What is spiritual maturity?
What is spiritual maturity?
1. When you stop trying to change others and start changing yourself. Then you are called spiritual.
2. When you accept others as they are, you are spiritual.
3.When you understand that everyone’s perspective is right for them, you are spiritual.
4. When you accept events and times that are happening, you are spiritual.
5. When you eliminate expectations from all your relationships and take care of your relationships only in the spirit of service, then you are spiritual.
6. When you do all the deeds knowing that whatever you are doing is not for others but for yourself, then you are spiritual.
7. When you don’t try to make the world aware of your importance, you are spiritual.
8. If you do not need words or praise from people of the world to believe in yourself and increase your self-confidence, then you are spiritual.
9. If you have stopped discriminating, you are spiritual.
10. If you depend only on yourself and not on the world for your happiness, then you are spiritual.
11. When you are able to distinguish between your personal needs and desires and give up all your desires, you are spiritual.
12. If your happiness or joy does not depend on material, family and social things, then you are spiritual.
May you all attain spiritual maturity.🙏🙏🚩🚩