Monday, December 16, 2024
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,199
Monday, 16-12-2024 04:04 AM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,199

Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri
Important information

Why is the Belpatra tree considered auspicious?


Once a drop of sweat of Mata Parvati fell on Mandarachal Mountain and a Bael tree emerged from it, the Bael tree emerged from the sweat of Mata Parvati.

All the forms of Mother Parvati reside in it. She resides in the form of Girija in the roots of the tree, in the form of Maheshwari in its trunks, Dakshinayani in the branches and Parvati in the leaves.

Katyayani form resides in fruits and Gauri form resides in flowers. Apart from all these forms, the form of Mother Lakshmi resides in the entire tree.

Due to the reflection of Mother Parvati in Belpatra, it is offered to Lord Shiva.

By offering Bel leaves to Lord Shiva, he becomes pleased and fulfills the wishes of the devotee.

*The person who cannot go to any pilgrimage place.! If he worships the root part of the Bilva tree and offers water to it in the month of Shravan, then he gets the virtue of visiting all the holy places.
1. Snakes do not come around the Bilva tree.

2. If someone’s funeral procession passes through the shade of a Bilva tree, he attains salvation.

3. Bilva tree has the highest capacity to absorb impurities present in the atmosphere.

4. The one who gets a Bilva Patrak with 4, 5, 6 or 7 leaves is very fortunate and by offering it to Shiva, he gets infinite fold results.

5. Cutting a vine tree destroys the lineage and planting a vine tree leads to the growth of the lineage.

6. Sins are destroyed by just seeing the Bel tree in the morning and evening.

7. The ancestors are satisfied by watering the vine tree.

8. By planting the Bel tree and White Aak in pair, one gets inexhaustible Goddess Lakshmi.

9. Rishi Muni used to produce gold metal by a special use of Belpatra and copper metal.

10. If one offers Belpatra to Shivling only once in his life and that too by mistake, then all his sins are absolved.

11. Planting, nurturing and cultivating the Bel tree definitely gives the benefit of meeting Mahadev.!!

Important Points: As much as offering Bilva leaves to Lord Shiva is important, the Bilva leaf tree is also considered to be equally important.*

If you do not know about the glory of the Bilvapatra tree, then definitely read these important things about the Bilvapatra tree~

1. Lakshmi is considered to reside in the Bilvapatra tree. By worshiping it, poverty is removed, and by planting Belpatra tree and White Aak in pair, one gets continuous blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.

2. Planting a Belpatra tree in the house or visiting it daily provides relief from all types of sins. If there is a Bilvapatra tree in the house, all the family members become free from many types of sins.

3. Worship of Bilvapatra tree on Sunday and Dwadashi tithi has special significance. By worshiping on this day, a person becomes free from the great sin like killing a Brahma, due to its effect one gets fame and respect.

4. If the Bilva tree is in the north-west of the residence, fame increases. If it is in North-South then happiness and peace increases and if this tree is in the middle of the residence then life becomes sweet.

5. If a dead body is taken to the crematorium under the shade of a Bilvapatra tree, it attains salvation. Apart from this, by regularly offering water to the Bilvapatra tree, the ancestors get satisfaction and get relief from Pitrudosh.

6. Bilvapatra tree is important in keeping the environment pure. It keeps the environment around it pure and sacred. If there is a Bilvapatra tree around the house then even snakes or poisonous animals do not come there.

7. It is believed that planting Bilvapatra tree increases the lineage and one gets special blessings of Lord Shiva. By worshiping Shivalinga under this tree, all the wishes are fulfilled.

8. It is believed that the places where Bilvapatra tree grows are as revered and sacred as Kashi Tirtha, where eternal virtues are attained. Cutting this tree is considered a sin, which leads to destruction of the lineage.

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