Ashtabhuja Venugopalaswamy Temple
Ashtabhuja Venugopalaswamy Temple
Ashtabhuja Venugopalaswamy Temple is located in Belur in Salem District-Tamilnadu. This century old Ashtabhuja Venugopalaswamy Temple is on the Northern banks of the Vellai River. The temple’s legend is believed to date back to Arjuna and the Mahabaratha. This temple is believed to help devotees to liberate from Karma.
The presiding deity Lord Ashtabuja Balamadana Venugopalan has eight hands of which two belong to Lord Vishnu and the two below relates to Krishnavatara while the remaining four belongs to Balarama. The left cheek has the feminine softness. The right cheek is masculine rough. Seven headed Adisesha is above the Lord’s head. The left leg is feminine dressed in Indian Panchakatcha tradition with a sari. The right leg is masculine. There is a cow and calf on the right and a cow and bull on the left.
The Garuda in this temple is without wings. It is believed that Garuda came as Jatayu in Ramayana and as we all know, Ravana cut the wings of Jatayu and hence He appears here without wings. In this temple, Garuda is not standing in line with the Perumal Vigraham and he is slightly away. The Anjaneya Vigraha is in Abhaya Hastha posture. Another interesting feature of this Murthy is that He is holding sugarcane in his left hand. As sugarcane is believed to be the Bow of Manmatha, those who worship this Lord are believed to be liberated from Kama(desires and lust).
The story goes that Arjuna who was to perform a pooja invoking the blessings of Lord Shiva to repent for his killings came to this place. Looking for sacred water, he was directed by Lord Krishna to strike an arrow towards the North. Upon his strike, flowed clean water from the Aran Ootru Malai that was said to be as white as milk. He performed an Abhisheka for Lord Shiva at the temple opposite the Ashtabhuja Venugopalan temple.
Shiva was pleased with him and gave him one tenth of the Ganga water as a gift. This crystal clear water flowed as Vellaru.
Those facing problems in marriage alliance affairs, debt burden, family disputes pray to the Lord here.