Saturday, March 29, 2025
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,823
Saturday, 29-03-2025 07:44 AM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,823


Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri

Scientific reasons for visiting temples:


Scientific reasons for going to the temple: Many people go to the temple on some fast or festival, many people go to the temple once in a month, many people go to the temple once in a week but there are very few people who go to the temple every day. Find. There are many people who have not gone to the temple for years.

1. Positive thoughts:- Going to the temple every day will develop positive thoughts and feelings in our mind and brain. If negativity ends in life then the future will also be positive.

2. Self-confidence increases:- By going to the temple, faith and self-confidence are infused in the mind, due to which there is no sorrow or grief of any kind in the mind. The person remains equanimous in all circumstances. Equanimity means neither flowing in emotions nor becoming rigid. Every situation is normal for him.

3. There will be no disease:- By going to the temple, you follow the rules of the temple. Like Aachman, Parikrama, meditation, puja, aarti, fasting, recitation etc. along with eating and eating habits thoughtfully, then you will not suffer from any kind of disease or illness.

4. Freedom from stress or anxiety:- Many people suffer from unnecessary fear and anxiety due to which they start living under stress. One gets into the habit of being under stress due to which a person can suffer from many types of diseases, but all this does not remain in the heart and mind of the person going to the temple.

5. Domestic discord:- There is no discord or anger in the mind and brain of the person who goes to the temple every day. If other members of the house quarrel with him or if there is any domestic disturbance in the house, then he handles it wisely and makes the atmosphere pleasant.

6. Walking tour:- Going to the temple on foot in the morning also provides relaxation and we also get good breath of fresh air. Daily exposure to sunlight improves health. Along with this, the temple land is considered an area of ​​positive energy. This energy can enter the devotees only through the feet. So we go inside the temple barefoot.

7. Brings peace to the mind:- The fragrance of camphor and incense sticks and many types of fragrant flowers are offered in the temple, whose fragrance makes the mind happy and free from depression. Different colors of flowers provide peace to the mind. The atmosphere of the temple gives peace to the mind.While fragrance removes negative thoughts from the mind and brain, it also increases our immunity. It also protects us from biological infections. Due to the temple being fragrant, bacteria are destroyed and no viral infection occurs because there is camphor and smoke in the temple.

8. Sound of bell and Aarti:- The tinkling of the bell in the temple echoes for about 7 seconds which removes sadness from the mind and provides peace. It is also said that the small bell balances our Pitta Dosha. Besides, bacteria are also destroyed by sound. When we clap during Aarti or Kirtan in the temple, it works as acupressure.Due to this, our blood circulation operates smoothly and the muscles of the body also become stronger. By doing Namaskar and Dandavat Pranam after Aarti, a feeling of humility and reverence awakens in our mind. Ego and pride are destroyed.

9. Chanting and chanting:- Chanting Aarti or Chalisa also removes our speech defects. By chanting Om our mind gets concentrated. After Aarti, chanting of Gods, Goddesses, Bharat Mata etc. awakens self-confidence as well as patriotism.Along with this, a resolution is also taken in every temple to protect cows and stop cow slaughter. After the Aarti, conch is blown which is very soothing and health enhancing for the devotees. The lungs of a conch player are strong.

10. Jyoti:- By taking Aarti, the cells of our palm get divine heat and all the viruses and bacteria growing inside us are destroyed. By placing palms on the eyes, the warmth opens the microscopic blood vessels behind the eyes and more blood starts flowing in them, which increases the vision of our eyes.

11. Charanamrit:- After darshan, puja and aarti, we get Tulsi mixed charanamrit, panchamrit and prasad. This Charanamrit and Panchamrit are very beneficial for our health. According to Ayurveda, this Charanamrit balances all the three doshas of our body. We swallow Tulsi given along with Charanamrit without chewing, which cures all our diseases.

12. Parikrama:- While circumambulating the Lord in the temple provides health benefits, it also relieves stress from our body by connecting with the power of gravity of the earth. Along with this, the energy flowing from the dome and its Kalash affects our body and provides positive energy.

13. Repeating our wishes:- When we go to the temple and repeat our wishes again and again, we get the support of the positive energy of the temple and due to this, nature gets activated and starts fulfilling our wishes.

14. Trees:- Every temple has trees like Peepal, Banyan, Neem, Banana and Tulsi etc. During these years we offer water or pay obeisance to them. These trees contain abundance of oxygen as well as divinity, which keeps our mind and brain healthy. This brings peace to our mind.

15. Donation:- Donation given in the temple has many benefits. Through charity we do not become miserly and we do not develop attachment towards things. Along with this, our social responsibilities are also fulfilled. Going to the temple not only increases our social prestige but also increases our acquaintanceship.By visiting the temple we also get information about Panchang and Teej festivals. Religious knowledge also increases by visiting the temple because information about Geeta, Vedas, Upanishads etc. is also available there.

16. Folding hands:- A person stands with folded hands in the temple. While joining hands benefits our lungs and heart, it also develops immunity. It is said that there is pressure on the points of the palms and fingers which are connected to many other parts of the body. Due to this, energy is transmitted to those organs.

17. Tilak:- Every day a person goes to the temple and applies a tilak of sandalwood or saffron on his forehead or between the eyebrows. While applying this tilak gives a feeling of peace, it also increases concentration. In fact, the soul resides just behind the place where Tilak is applied. The soul resides at the point between the Ajna Chakra and the Sahasrara Chakra, which is blue in colour. Soul means we ourselves. There are also spiritual benefits of applying sandalwood.

18. Prayer:- There is power in prayer. The person praying can connect with the ether medium of the temple and convey his thoughts to God or the divine power. Gods are hearers and seers. The daily prayers start having an impact on the gods. The sound of mental or verbal prayer goes into the sky. With prayer, if your heart is true and innocent then you will soon be heard and if you are not on the path of religion then only nature will hear your prayer and not God.The second aspect of prayer is that praying awakens faith and positive emotions in the mind, which are very important for development and success in life.

19. Worship :- Worship is a chemical process. Due to this, the pH value (unit of measurement of liquid) of the environment inside the temple decreases, which affects the pH value of the person. This is an ionic reaction, which changes the body chemistry. This action is helpful in curing diseases. The same effect is achieved through medicines, which is achieved by going to the temple.

20. Aachman:- Before entering the temple, it is necessary to perform Aachman after purifying the body and senses with water. This process of purification is called Aachman. Before doing Aachman, joining fingers together and doing Aachman with holy water three times without any words gives great results. Aachman should always be done 3 times. Aachaman purifies the mind and body.

21. Pinnacle of the temple:- There are pinnacles in the temple. Energy waves and sound waves fall on the person after hitting the inner surface of the peak. These reflected beam waves are helpful in maintaining the human body frequency. In this way the person’s body gradually adjusts to the inner atmosphere of the temple. In this way man experiences immense happiness. Old temples are centers of positive energy all over the earth.

Jai Shri Ram

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