How many types of fasts are there?
Question: How many types of fasts are there?
Answer: In Chapter 84 of Patalkhand of Padma Purana, it has been told that there are three types of fasts.
1) First mental fast. 2) Second fast performed through body.
3) Third, the fasts performed through speech
Let us now look at it in detail:
Mental Fast -:
1) Non-violence 2) Truth 3) Do not steal
4) Celibacy 5) Living with sincerity
Fasts to be performed by the body:
1) Eating once a day
2) Do not eat anything at night
3) Eat only whatever you get without asking.
Fasts performed through speech:
1) Studying the Vedas
2) To chant the name and pastimes of Shri Bhagwan
3) Taking the rule of telling the truth
4) Do not gossip about anyone
These three types of fasts have been described in the scriptures. By observing these fasts, God is satisfied and bestows progress.