a young man a farmer
A young man went to a farmer wishing to marry his daughter. The farmer looked at him and said, “Young man, go to the field.” I am going to release three bulls one by one. If you hold the tail of any one of the three bulls, I will marry my daughter to you.”
young man catching the tail of a bull in the field. The farmer opened the door of the house located in the field and a very big and dangerous bull came out of it. The young man had never seen such a bull before. Fearing it, the young man decided to wait for the next bull and turned aside so that the bull passed him.
The door opened again. Surprisingly, this time the bull turned out to be bigger and more fierce than before. The young man thought that the first bull was better than this one. Then he stepped aside and let the bull pass.
The door opened for the third time. A smile appeared on the young man’s face. This time a small and ferocious bull emerged. As soon as the bull started coming near the young man, the young man made a stance to hold its tail so that it could catch hold of its tail at the right time. But that bull had no tail………..
Learning from the story…
Life is full of opportunities. Some are easy and some are difficult. But if you miss an opportunity once, you will never get that opportunity again. Therefore one should always try to grab the first opportunity.