Friday, March 28, 2025
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,823
Friday, 28-03-2025 10:05 PM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,823


Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri

Annapurna’s Birthday


Maa Durga’s birthday is celebrated on Shukla Paksha Purnima of the Magh month. When people on earth had nothing to eat, Mother Parvati took the form of Annapurna and brought the earth out of this crisis. Annapurna Jayanti signifies the importance of food in a person’s life. Cleaning the kitchen is very important on this day. It is believed that by cleaning this kitchen and using the food, there is never a shortage of money in the life of man. Therefore, the food should be balanced.

Maa Annapurna is of great significance on the full moon day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Magha.

According to the Kashi Rahasya of the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Bhavani meaning Parvati is Annapurna. Their fast in the month of Margashirsha is going to fulfill all the wishes and it also has scientific significance.

At this time, the genetic particles of the cells become resistant to disease and strive to make them long-lived and young. The six-day meal served on these days promotes health year after year.

Mother Annapurna

Goddess Annapurna is one of the most worshipped deities in Hinduism. They are considered to be a form of Maa Jagdamba, from whom the whole world is governed. The world is nourished by the Annapurna form of this Jagadamba.

Annapurna literally means the goddess of food. Sanatan Dharma believes that animals get food only by the grace of Maa Annapurna.

The Ardhangini of Shiva, Mata Annapurna’s Puri in Kaliyug is Kashi, but the whole world is under her control. The story of coming under the dominion of Annapurna ji of Kashi, the city of Baba Vishwanath, is very interesting.

When Lord Shankara, after marrying Parvati, began to live at Kailasa in the Himalayas, her father’s territory, the goddess expressed her desire to live in her husband’s city, Kashi, rather than at home.

Mahadev took them with him to his Sanatan home Avimukt-Kshetra (Kashi). At that time, Kashi was just a city. Mother Parvati did not want only her house to be cremated like an ordinary housewife.

On this an arrangement was made that in these three ages, Satya, Treta and Dvapara, Kashi remained a crematorium and in the Kali Yuga it was settled after the completion of Annapurna. That is why at present the temple of Annapurna became the main Devi Peeth of Kashi.

It is written in ‘Kashikhand’ of Skandpuran that Lord Vishweshwar is the householder and Bhavani runs his household. Therefore, the burden of yoga-welfare of the people of Kashi is on them. According to the Kashi-Rahasya of ‘Brahma Vaivarta Purana’ Bhavani is Annapurna.

But people still consider Annapurna as Bhavani. Devotees believe that no one ever sleeps hungry in Kashi, the city of Maa Annapurna. All the sins are removed by worshipping Maa Annapurna. She protects her devotees from all evils.

When they become happy, the poverty that has been going on for many births is also removed. She bestows her devotee with worldly happiness as well as salvation. Then the sages praise him and say:

shoshinisarvapaapaanammochani sakalaapadaam. daaridryadamaneenityansukh-moksh-pradaayinee.

The eighth Bhavani Gauri in the traditional ‘Navgauri Yatra’ of Kashi and the eighth Mahagauri in the Navdurga Yatra are worshipped in the Annapurna Temple itself. On Ashtami, the eighth day of Chaitra Navratri, devotees perform 108 rounds of the Annapurna Devi temple.

On normal days, eight circumambulations of Annapurna Mata should be done. By fasting and worshipping Annapurna Devi on the Ashtami of Shukla Paksha of every month, there is never a shortage of wealth and grains in the house.

The story of Annapurna Vrat of Margashirsha month is described in detail in Bhavishyapuran. Some ancient calendars of Kashi publish the festival of Annapurna Jayanti in the full moon of Margashirsha.

The colour of Goddess Annapurna is similar to that of a rose. He has three eyes and a half-moon on his head. Bhagwati Annapurna is like a young woman with unparalleled beauty. Adorned with divine ornaments amidst the flowers of Bandhuk, they are seated on the golden throne in a happy posture.

In the left hand of the goddess there is a ruby full of grains, a pot filled with gems and in the right hand there is a conch made of gems. Annapurna Mata is always engaged in food donation.

The story of King Brihadratha in the Devi Bhagavata reveals the glory of Annapurna Mata and her Puri Kashi. Bhagwati Annapurna appears on earth because she gives the desired fruits to her devotees.

Lord Shankar himself says in praise of her – “I am not able to sing the entire quality of Annapurna even with my five mouths. Although Baba Vishwanath grants salvation to the one who leaves the body in Kashi by giving Taraka-mantra, it is requested from Maa Annapurna only. The householders ask for wealth and grains, and the yogis beg for knowledge and renunciation.

annapoornesada poorneshankarapraanavallabhe.

gyaan-vairaagy-siddhayartham bhikshaamdehichapaarvati.

Many mantras of Annapurna Devi and description of her sadhana-vidhi are found in Mantra-madhi, Tantrasara, Purushcharyarnava etc. texts. In the well-known book of Mantras’ Sharadatilaka ‘, the law of the following mantra consisting of seventeen letters of Annapurna is described:

“Hreem Namah Bhagavatimaheshwariannapurnesvaha”

To prove the mantra, it should be chanted sixteen thousand times and one tenth of that number (1600 times) should be burnt with food mixed with ghee. This meditation has to be done before chanting-



That is, ‘I remember Bhagwati Annapurna, whose body is of blood color, who wears clothes woven with multi-colored yarns, on whose head is seated Balachandra, who is always busy in providing food to the inhabitants of the three worlds, who is full of youth, who is happy to see Lord Shankar dancing in front of her, who removes all the sorrows of the world. ‘

By chanting the Annapurna mantra 108 times daily in the morning, there is never a shortage of food and money in the house. On the eighth day of Shukla Paksha, Goddess Annapurna is worshipped. Karuna Murti This goddess grants salvation to her devotee with bhog.

Annapurna, the half-sister of Vishwanath, the ruler of the whole world, provides for everyone without any discrimination. Whoever invokes this loving Mother in his home with devotion, Maa Annapurna definitely resides here subtly.

Special puja: Goddess Parvati is worshipped in the form of Annapurna. Light a lamp of cow dung, make fragrant incense, offer mehendi, offer white flowers. Offer a panjiri of coriander and chant 1-1 mala of these special mantras with a garland.

Worship Mantra: Hreem Annapurnayai Namah.

Special feature

Feed moong cow mounted on Goddess Annapurna to increase success and fame.

To protect from calamities keep for the birds the Navdhan mounted on Goddess Annapurna.

To avoid the lack of food grains, keep the dried coriander offered to Goddess Annapurna hidden in the kitchen.


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