Auspicious Prognostic
Many such incidents happen daily in the lives of us humans which have a huge impact on us. We all can predict the success or failure of our work by the auspicious or inauspicious signs or events that occur while setting out for any good work. If there is a good omen then it is very good but if there is an inauspicious omen If it occurs, we can find quick and easy solutions so that we can achieve undisputed success in our work.
Omens indicate events that will happen in our future. They have been highly recognized since ancient times. Many people consider these omens as superstition, but most people do not ignore these omens at all. All of us humans definitely believe in these omens in some form or the other. The results of omens are as old as mankind. These omens are prevalent not only in India but all over the world. Mention of omens is also found in our Vedas, Puranas and many religious texts.Even in astrology, special consideration is given to omens. A detailed description of auspicious and inauspicious omens is found in the Samhita department of astrology. It is written in Shakunadhyay in Brihat Samhita – Anya Janmantar Kritam Karma Punsaam Shubhashubham. Yattasya Shakun: Pakam Nivedayati Gachchtam || That is, whatever auspicious and auspicious deeds a person has done in his previous birth, the omens show their auspicious results. Here we are telling you some “auspicious and inauspicious” omens and their results.
good omen
1. If you hear the sound of conch, bell, devotional music etc. as soon as you wake up in the morning, then it is very auspicious. Your entire day will be joyful.
2. If the first thing you look at after waking up is a vessel filled with curd or milk, it is also considered auspicious.
3. If a beggar comes to your house early in the morning to beg, then understand that you will get your stuck or lent money back soon.
4. If while going out of the house for some work, you come across a married woman or a cow, then there are chances that you will get complete success in the work.
5. If you see someone carrying jaggery while going for some work, it is very beneficial.
6. If you find any animal carrying beautiful flowers or green grass on the way or if you see it in a shop, then it is very auspicious.
7. If while traveling, you see any man or woman carrying a vessel filled with milk or water, then it is a very auspicious omen.
8. If you hear Lord’s Aarti, Bhajan etc. while going on a journey then it is considered very auspicious, there are full chances that your journey will be successful.
9. If you see a laughing child or someone selling flowers and fruits on the way, you will undoubtedly get benefits.
10. When you wear clothes and money falls from your pocket while going for any work, it is a sign of getting money. And if the same happens while taking off clothes, it is also a good omen.
11. If a bird pecks on your body, then understand that your poverty is about to go away. This is a very good omen.
12. If you get drenched in rain as soon as you step out of the house, it is a very auspicious omen.
13. If while going out of home for any work, you see sages, monks etc. on the way, then this is also a very auspicious omen for your journey.
14. Brahmin, horse, elephant, mongoose, eagle, peacock, milk, curd, fruits, flowers, lotus, devotional music, food, pot full of water, a tied animal, fish, blazing fire, umbrella, prostitute, any Weapon, any gem, woman, girl, washerman with washed clothes, ghee, soil, mustard, sugarcane, funeral procession, palanquin, flag, goat, dear friend, woman with child, cow with calf, white bull, sage. , Kalpavriksha, honey, liquor, or a basket full of garbage, a vehicle loaded with goods, if anything falls in your way during the journey, then you will definitely get success.