Daily Routine Formula
Five tips to make the day successful!
Many ways to live a better lifestyle have been described in our Sanatan scriptures. According to our scriptures, it is very important to have certain things in a person’s daily routine. Special attention should be paid to some things at the beginning of the morning. Come, let us know today which 5 things are important to keep in mind in the morning.
“Snanam daanam homan swadhyayo devatartanam.
Yasmin dene na sevyante sa vrutha divaso nrinaam.”
1. Bath:
Bathing is the most important part of human daily routine. According to religious mythology, the day should start with bathing. By taking a holy bath first thing in the morning, the whole day goes well and energy flows throughout the day.
Bathing should usually be done in the morning before sunrise. While bathing, meditate mentally on the holy rivers.
2. Donation:
The importance of charity has been mentioned in many religious texts and Puranas. A person should donate something every day according to his devotion. By doing this there is no shortage of money and grains and an atmosphere of happiness and peace is maintained in the house. Please donate as per your capacity.
As a donation, you must feed grains to the birds and jaggery, green fodder etc. to the cows every day and help the needy and helpless persons.
3. Lighting havan or lamp-:
According to our religious scriptures, everyone should include Havan in their daily routine for the happiness and peace of the house. If you are not able to perform Havan daily, then definitely light a lamp of cow ghee in front of God and Tulsi.
4. Chanting:
According to our beliefs, chanting done with full devotion and faith provides immense benefits. A person definitely gets auspicious results by chanting, hence chant your Guru Mantra or Ishta Mantra for some time.
5. Worship of God:
After taking bath in the morning, one should worship God. After worship, food should also be offered to God. By worshiping regularly, God’s blessings remain upon the family. Therefore, make sure to make a rule to worship daily.
These are some general rules of Sanatan culture, therefore, in your busy life, do take out some time for these small things, believe me, by doing this there will be happiness, peace and self-satisfaction in your life.