Feng Shui Frog is among the most significant feng shui cures for attracting money, wealth as well as fortune, and its significance is increasing day by day. Feng Shui frog is also known as Luck Money Toad, Wealth Toad and In India frog is associated with fertility and you might have heard that some pundits do Mendhak Pooja or Frog ritual to invoke Indra dev for blessing with the rain. It is a traditional feng shui belief that feng shui three legged frog is said to attract wealth and abundance. You can often find a money frog in Chinese establishments because it has deep symbolic roots. A feng shui money frog can be placed in the direction according to the needs and benefits.
If you come from Chinese culture, or if you have a strong belief in the symbol of the money frog then it can be a powerful feng shui money cure for you. However, if you have no energetic or emotional connection to this specific symbol, it will have little effect on your feng shui efforts.
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