Saturday, February 22, 2025
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,628
Saturday, 22-02-2025 10:49 AM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,628


Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri

Indian traditions_and_science


What are the scientific arguments behind Hindu traditions, due to which people belonging to this religion have been following their traditions for centuries.

20 scientific arguments hidden behind Hindu traditions:-

Yes, we will tell you about those traditions with which you come face to face every day. Knowing these hidden reasons behind Indian civilization will not only enrich your knowledge, but in future, if a child asks you why we say Namaste, then you will be able to give the scientific reason for it.

If in future someone asks you why women wear toe rings, you will still be able to give a valid reason for it.

Science behind Hindu traditions:-

In this slider, we will tell you what are the scientific arguments behind Hindu traditions, due to which people associated with this religion have been following their traditions for centuries.

Greeting with folded hands:-
When we meet someone, we say Namaste or Namaskar with folded hands.

Scientific Reasoning:- When the tips of all the fingers come in contact with each other and there is pressure on them. Due to acupressure, it has a direct effect on our eyes, ears and brain, so that we can remember the person in front of us for a long time. The second argument is that if you say Namaste instead of shaking hands (Western civilization), then the germs from the other person’s body cannot reach you. Even if the other person has swine flu, that virus will not reach you.

Peepal worship:-
Many people think that by worshiping Peepal tree, ghosts run away.

Scientific reasoning:- It is worshiped so that people’s respect for this tree increases and they do not cut it. Peepal is the only tree which produces oxygen even at night.

Kumkum/Tilak on the forehead:-

Women and men apply kumkum or tilak on the forehead.

Scientific reasoning:- There is a vein between the eyes till the forehead. Applying kumkum or tilak maintains the energy of that place. When pressure is applied with the thumb or finger while applying tilak on the forehead, the muscles that supply blood to the facial skin become active. Due to this, blood reaches the facial cells well.

The meal starts with spicy and ends with sweet:-

Whenever there is any religious or family ritual, the meal starts with spicy and ends with sweet.

Scientific reasoning:- Eating spicy food activates the digestive elements and acids inside our stomach. Due to this the digestive system operates properly. Finally, eating sweets reduces the intensity of acid. It does not cause stomach irritation.

Tradition of ear piercing:-

There is a tradition of ear piercing in almost all religions in India.

Scientific argument:- Philosophers believe that this increases the power of thinking. Whereas doctors believe that this improves speech and controls the blood circulation of the veins going through the ears to the brain.

Eating while sitting on the ground:-
According to Indian culture, eating food while sitting on the floor is a good thing.

Scientific reasoning:- Sitting cross-legged is a type of yoga asana. Sitting in this position keeps the mind calm and if the mind is calm while eating, then the digestion process remains good. As soon as you sit in this position, a signal automatically goes from the brain to the stomach to get ready for food.

Sleeping with head towards south:-

If someone sleeps with his feet towards the south, people say that he will have bad dreams, will be haunted by ghosts, etc. Therefore, sleep with your feet towards the north.

Scientific reasoning:- When we sleep with our head towards the south, our body comes in line with the magnetic waves of the Earth. The iron present in the body starts being transmitted towards the brain. This increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or brain-related diseases. Not only this, blood pressure also increases.

Surya Namaskar:-

There is a tradition among Hindus to wake up in the morning and salute the Sun by offering water.

Scientific reasoning:- When the sun rays coming from the middle of water reach our eyes, then our eyesight improves.

Top on head:-

In Hindu religion, sages and sages used to keep Chutiya on their heads. Even today people keep it.

Scientific reasoning:- All the nerves of the brain meet at the place where the penis is kept. This keeps the mind stable and the person does not get angry, the ability to think increases.

Keeping fast:-

Whenever there is any puja or festival, people keep fast.

Scientific reasoning:- According to Ayurveda, fasting improves digestion and consuming fruits leads to detoxification of the body, that is, bad elements are removed from it. According to researchers, fasting reduces the risk of cancer. Diseases like heart related diseases, diabetes, etc. also do not appear quickly.

Touching feet:-

According to Hindu belief, whenever you meet an elder, touch his feet. We also teach this to children, so that they respect their elders.

Scientific reasoning:- The energy coming out of the brain completes a cycle through the hands and front legs. This is called the flow of cosmic energy. In this, energy flows in two ways, either from the feet of the elder to the hands of the younger or from the hands of the younger to the feet of the elder.

Why is vermilion applied:-

Married Hindu women apply vermillion.

Scientific reasoning:- Sindoor contains turmeric, lime and mercury. This mixture controls the blood pressure of the body. Since it also increases sexual arousal, it is prohibited for widow women to apply vermillion. This reduces stress.

Worship of Tulsi tree:-

Worshiping Tulsi brings prosperity in the house. Happiness and peace remain.

Scientific reasoning:- Tulsi strengthens the immune system. Therefore, if there is a tree in the house, its leaves will also be used and they cure diseases.

Idol worship:-

Idols are worshiped in Hindu religion.

Scientific reasoning:- If you do not keep anything in front of you while worshiping, your mind will wander on different things. If there is an idol in front, your mind will remain stable and you will be able to concentrate and worship properly.

Wearing bangles:-

Indian women wear bangles on their hands.

Scientific reasoning:- When there is friction between the skin and the bangle by wearing bangles in the hands, a kind of energy is generated in it, this energy controls the blood circulation of the body. Also, due to having a lot of bangles, that energy goes inside the body instead of going out.

Why go to temple:-

Temple is a place where positive energy flows. The sanctum sanctorum of the temple is the place where the earth’s magnetic waves are highest and the flow of energy is highest from there. In such a situation, if you absorb this energy, your body remains healthy. The brain remains calm.

Performing Havan or Yagya:-

Yagya or Havan is performed during any ritual.

Scientific reasoning:- When the mixture of natural elements which are included in the hawan material and the mixture of camphor, sesame, sugar, etc., emits smoke when it is burnt, it eliminates the germs from every nook and corner of the house. Insects run away.

Why do women wear toe rings:-

In our country, married women wear Bichiya.

Scientific reasoning:- A silver ring is worn in the second toe and its vein is connected to the uterus. By wearing a toe ring, the blood flow to the uterus remains proper. Due to this, the uterus remains healthy and menstruation remains regular. Silver absorbs energy from the earth and transmits it to the woman’s body.

Why do bells ring in temples:-

According to Hindu belief, it is auspicious to ring the bell while entering the temple. This keeps evil forces away.

Scientific reasoning:- The sound of the bell removes the negative waves in our brain and this helps in concentration for worship. The sound of the bell echoes in our brain for 7 seconds. And this opens the seven healing centers of our body. Negative thoughts run away from our mind.

Henna in hands and feet:-
Henna is applied on hands and feet during weddings, festivals and festivals to make women look beautiful.

Scientific reasoning:- Henna is a herb, application of which does not cause body tension, headache, fever, etc. The body remains cool and especially that vein remains cool, which is directly connected to the brain. Therefore, no matter how much work is done, there is no tension.

Customs and traditions have scientific importance in Indian culture. Just as our elders wake up in the morning and look at their hands and see God in them. Before setting foot on the earth, we pay obeisance to Mother Earth because it is the Mother Earth that fills us with wealth and nurtures us, it is on her that we set foot. That is why before setting foot on the earth, we bow to it and ask for forgiveness. There is such an incident in the Prithvi Sukta of Atharvaveda.

There is a scientific fact hidden behind the tradition of not leaving the house during the solar eclipse. In fact, during a solar eclipse, very harmful rays come out from the sun which harm us. Similarly, it is said that we should wake up before sunrise because at this time there is plenty of Vitamin D in the sun’s rays and by waking up in Brahma Muhurta, we remain fresh all day long and laziness does not come to us either.

In our Vedas and Puranas, nature has been described as mother and all its forms have been described as gods and goddesses. We have given the form of some trees like banyan, peepal to gods and Tulsi and rivers to goddesses. This is not a superstition but there is a big fact hidden behind it. Our ancestors gave them the status of gods and goddesses because if a person worships someone, he can never harm him.

While performing puja at home, people burn incense, incense sticks, lamps and blow conch shells, there is a scientific fact behind all this. It is believed that by blowing the conch, all the bacteria and germs in the air as far as the sound reaches are destroyed.

We have a tradition of traveling around the world. By following this tradition, we get to know the geography of the country, realize the beauty of the environment and at the same time, these travels are also beneficial for our health because it keeps our mind happy.

All our rituals and festivals strengthen our relationships like Rakshabandhan enhances the love between brother and sister. Karva Chauth brings sweetness in married life. Similarly, during Chhath, a mother fasts for the long life of her child.

Foreign people are coming to India and seeing and adopting its culture, customs and traditions. Foreign tourists influenced by Indian culture come to India for peace of mind and when they come here, they experience a strange peace.

In our Indian culture there is a tradition of touching the feet of parents and guru. Greeting parents and elders enhances four things in a person; Age, knowledge, fame and strength.

abhivadan shilasya nityam bruddh-upasevin: .
chatvari tasya vardhante aayurvidya yashobalam ..
Gentlemen and great people have their own aura and when we touch the feet of our Guru and our elders, some of their goodness comes within us too.


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