Kali Mata Temple Haryana
According to the mythology, in Satyayuga, Mahishasura, Chand-Munda, Shumbha-Nishumbha and Raktaveer had increased the wrath of the demons, due to which the gods got scared and scattered in the caves. One day all the gods praised Adishakti Shri Jagadamba Mattwari, due to which Mother Goddess appeared in the form of a child.
Hearing the sorrow of the gods, the mother increased her appearance by placing thousands of hands on her feet. All the gods gave their respective weapons to Adishakti. Vishnu offered Chakra, Shiva offered Trishul, Brahma Kamandal, Indra offered Vajra, Sheshnag offered scales, Yamraj and Yamphans etc. offered to Arthamata.
After this, Mother Jagadamba entered the battlefield and destroyed Mahishasura and other demons on Kalka land and got burnt to ashes, becoming famous in Kalka as Kali Mata.
There is also a belief that in Dwapar Yuga, when Lord Pandava lost his yagya, he had to spend 12 years in exile and one year in exile. During that time he stayed in Viratnagar for 12 years. At that time, cows were served a lot in the kingdom of Kavita Raja. At the same time, a cow named Shyama used to anoint the mother’s body with her milk every day. The Pandavas were astonished to see this miracle and the Pandavas established a temple at this place.