Thursday, October 17, 2024
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 4,820
Thursday, 17-10-2024 07:43 PM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 4,820

Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri
KanchiMaha Shakti PeethaTamilnadu

Kamakshi Devi Temple



Kanchi Kamakshi temple is at the heart of Kanchipuram – in every possible sense. The city surrounds the temple. Even the Gods like Shiva and Vishnu surround her temple and extend outwards from this temple that is fondly called Kamakshi Amman Temple.On one side of the temple is Shiva Kanchi or big Kanchi where many Shiva temples are located along with a few Vishnu temples. On the other side is Vishnu Kanchi or small Kanchi where some of the big Vishnu temples and many Shiva temples too are located.

As per beliefs, the Kanchi Kamakshi temple has existed since time immemorial. In the documented past, Adi Shankaracharya set up the Sri Chakra at this temple, and depending on when you agree to place him in history, the dates could vary from 5th BCE to 8th CE. Archaeologically, the temple is about 1600 years old going back to the days when the Pallava dynasty ruled this region and Kanchipuram used to be their capital.

No matter who you believe in, at Kanchi, Kamakshi is the reigning goddess.

Legend of Kanchi Kamakshi Temple

Kamakshi comes from the conjunction of three words – Ka, Ma & Aksh. Ka means Saraswati, Ma means Lakshmi and Aksh means eyes. She whose eyes are Lakshmi & Saraswati.Kamakshi Temple at Kanchi is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas in the country, a very important Shakti Peeth. This is where the Nabhi or the Navel of the Goddess Sati had fallen when Shiva was taking around her body. It is also believed to be the Nabhisthan or the center of the earth or at least the eastern hemisphere. It is believed that after the Devi took birth to kill the Asur Bhandasur, she took the Kanya Swarup and sat in this temple. The idol is supposed to be Swayambhu which means it was not created but it appeared. She is believed to be in the temple in three Swarupas – Sthula, Sukshama, and Shunya.


The story goes that Kamakshi Amma prayed while standing on one foot on a needlepoint to get married to Shiva. Her wish came true and they were married in the month of Phalgun in the Uttara Nakshatra. There used to be an image of Kamakshi in Gold in a standing pose as she prayed called Bangaru Kamakshi. It was shifted to Thanjavur when an attack on the temple was expected. The image is still in Thanjavur.

Rishi Durvasa prayed here after he was cursed. Once he overcame the curse by worshipping Kamakshi, he installed the Sri Chakra here. He also wrote down Saubhagya Chintamani Kalpa also called Durvasa Samhita. In this text, he laid down the detailed Vidhi, or the way to worship Kamakshi. Even today the worship is done exactly as he has written in his text Saubhagya Chintamani.

Priests of 7 Gotras can worship at Kanchi Kamakshi temple. However, only two gotras worship here, and the rest worship at Kamakshi temple in Thanjavur. Priests here are called Shastri’s.

Another Story

Another story tells us that Devi was in her Raudra Rup or angry form here. The sanctum used to be very hot with the heat of her anger. It was Adi Shankara who pacified her and since then she is in her Karuna or peaceful form. Adi Shankara wrote Saundra Lahiri in this temple.

It is believed that Dashratha – the father of Sri Ram and a king of Suryavanshi Ikshvaku Vansh from Ayodhya performed ‘Putra Kamechha Yagna’ here i.e a Yagna to get sons. He did get his four sons in a short time. Since then it is believed that childless couples can get children if they pray here. Devi Kamakshi is the Kuldevi of Ikshvashu Clan. This story is mentioned in Markandeya Purana.

Mook Panchshati is a poem written in 500 verses by a Mook or a dumb person when he was blessed with the voice in this temple.

Kamakshi Idol in Kamakshi Amman Temple

The main sanctum at the temple is called Gayatri Mandapa. It has Kamakshi Amman sitting in the yogic pose of Padmasana. Her seat or Aasan is Panch Brahmasan. She has four arms. In her lower hands are a Sugarcane and a bunch of five flowers. In her upper hands have her weapons Pasha and Ankush. There is a parrot near her but it is hardly visible to the visitors. She is always well adorned in bright beautiful Saris with all the Shringara.

In the sanctum or the Garbhagriha, there is a silver-covered pillar which a hole in it representing the navel. It is believed to bless people with children. Even king Dashratha of Ayodhya prayed here to get children.

Sri Chakra

In front of the idol is the Yoni-shaped carving, inside which is the Sri Chakra. It is the Sri Chakra that is worshipped here. Devi, as per all scriptures, sits on top Bindu of the Sri Chakra. There are 8 Vagdevis present around the Sri Chakra. It is difficult to see the Sri Chakra as it is always covered with layers of fresh lotus flowers in pink colors. Sri Chakra is carved in stone. Saundrya Lahiri – a very popular work on Devi by Adi Shankara was written here.

It is believed that the four walls of the sanctum represent four Vedas, while the 24 pillars of Gayatri Mandap represent the 24 letters of Gayatri Chhand.

On the left side of the main idol are Varahi and Arup Lakshmi. Inside the sanctum where you are allowed only for special Pujas, you are given Kumkum, which you offer to Arup Lakshmi and take some with you as prasad. I was fortunate to get some bangles along with the Kumkum.

On the right of Kamakshi’s idol is an image of Vishnu & Swarup Lakshmi. The door leading to the main sanctum is called Bilvadwar.

Festivals of Kamakshi Temple

The marriage of Shiva and Kamakshi is celebrated in the month of Phalgun, which would fall in Feb/Mar. It is believed that people who want to get married should attend this festival. Goddess is taken for a boat ride on this day. Another temple that lends help in getting married is Rukmini Temple in Dwarka.

Both the Chaitra and Sharda Navratri are celebrated here just like all Devi Temples across India.

Every Purnima or full moon day, special celebrations take place.


Annual Brahmotsava is celebrated in the month of Magh that falls in Jan/Feb. The goddess is taken out around every morning and evening during this time. On the 4th day of the festival, Kamakshi Amma rides a golden lion and on the 9th day, she rides on a silver chariot. And on the 10th and the final day of the festival which is also a full moon day, the Goddess and all her devotees take a dip in the temple tank.

On the first day of Chaitra month (end of March) every year, Kamakshi Amman rides on her gold chariot. This ride also happens first of every Indian calendar month, on Fridays, they coincide with Full Moon or No moon. I hope to see this Rath Yatra of Kanchi Kamakshi sometime in my life. The Rath Yatras of all other temples in Kanchipuram go around the Kamakshi temple as she is the prime Goddess.

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