Kapalamochana Mandira Puri,Odisha
The Manikarnika Tirtha is located inside the temple, which is one of the holiest places in Shrikshetra. Kapalamochan is one of the Ashtashambhu of Shrikshetra.
According to Pancha Mahadev order of Shrikshetra, Kapalmochan is considered as Nakul. Due to the devotional relations with the Badadeula, Kapalamochan with the other four Mahadevs participate in the rituals like Chandanayatra and Dolayatra with Shrijiew. Other Festivals of the Temple is Sitalsasthi and Shivaratri.
It is a Hari-Har Complex. The Presiding deity of this temple is a Siva lingam within a circular Yonipitha. The main temple or Bimana is a Rekha Deula and Jogamohan is a Pidha deula(Kalingan styled).
The Parswadevatas are Ishwarparvati(Uma Maheswar), Ganesha, Kartikeya located in north, west, south side of the temple respectively. From these Parswadevatas Kartikeya is a Recent installation. There is a 8th-9th century image of Ganesha made of Sand stone, without the mount Mouse, which speaks about anquity of this image, enshrined in a separate temple in northen side.
Outer walls of temple and Jagmohan is depicted with many sculptures like, Maithunamudras, Ishana, Bishnu, Udyota singha, Dhyaan Buddha and many more. There is a temple of Prabhu Nrusingh on the west side of the Temple. Inside the Jagamohan, there are six sculptures of Ten armed Kali, Two Sahasra Lingam, A linga with Circular yonipitha, A two armed Kartikeya and a Female goddess figure.
The Main Temple is situated 6-7mtrs below of the present ground level so rain water easily enters into the temple and the motor system of the temple is so poor.