Kedarnath/Shri Braj Kedarnath Dham, Bilond,Varwariya,Kaman,Bharatpur Rajasthan
Situated on the top of a hill is this shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva which contains a Shiva-linga known as Kedaranatha Mahadeva. One has to climb up three hundred steps to reach the shrine where one gets a panoramic view of the surrounding country-side. This place is considered to be the original Kedaranatha, which like Adi-Badrinatha, has its expansion in the Himalayas. This shrine is situated inside a cave where one can have darshana of the Shiva-linga of Kedarnatha Mahadeva and his eternal consort Parvati Devi.
Nearby is a small pond known as Gauri-kunda. This holy tirtha and the deity of Lord Shiva are said to have been discovered by Shrila Narayana Bhatta.