Lord Krishna Arjun and a Brahmin
Once Lord Shri Krishna and Arjun went on a journey.
So he saw a poor Brahmin begging on the way.
Arjun felt pity on him
And he gave that Brahmin a bundle full of gold coins.
After receiving this, the Brahmin happily returned home dreaming of his happy future.
But his misfortune was following him,
On the way, a robber snatched the bundle from him.
The Brahmin became sad and started begging again.
Next day again when Arjun’s eyes fell on that Brahmin, he asked him the reason for this.
The Brahmin told all the details to Arjun,
Hearing the plight of the Brahmin, Arjun again felt pity for him.
Arjun thought and this time he gave a valuable ruby to the Brahmin.
The Brahmin took him home
There was an old pitcher in his house which had not been used for a long time,
The Brahmin hid the ruby in that pitcher due to fear of it being stolen.
But his misfortune,
He fell asleep because he was tired all day long.
Meanwhile, the Brahmin’s wife went to the river to fetch water but on the way
his pot broke
She thought, let me bring the old pitcher lying at home.
Thinking this, she returned home and took that old pitcher with her.
And as soon as he dipped the pot in the river, the ruby also got washed away with the current of water.
When the Brahmin came to know about this, he started begging again, cursing his fate.
When Arjun and Shri Krishna again saw him in this poor state, they went and asked the reason for it.
Hearing the whole story, Arjun felt very disappointed and started thinking in his mind that happiness can never come in the life of this unfortunate Brahmin.
Now the Lord’s play started from here.
He donated two paisa to that Brahmin.
Then Arjun asked him, “Lord, if even the coins and rubies given by me could not eradicate the poverty of this unfortunate man, then what will happen to him with these two pennies?”
Hearing this, the Lord just smiled and asked Arjun to go after that Brahmin.
The Brahmin was thinking on the way.
That “two paisa will not bring food even for one person”
Why did God give him such an insignificant donation?
What kind of play is this of the Lord?
He was walking away thinking this
His eyes fell on a fisherman,
He saw that a fish was trapped in the fisherman’s net.
And she is yearning to be released.
The Brahmin felt pity on that fish.
He thought, “The fire in my stomach will not be quenched with these two rupees.”
Why? Neither should the life of this fish be saved.
Thinking this, he traded that fish for two paise.
And put the fish in his kamandal.
Filled the kamandal with water and started releasing the fish in the river.
Then something came out of the fish’s mouth.
That poor Brahmin saw that it was the same ruby which he had hidden in the pot.
The Brahmin started shouting with joy, “Found it, found it!”
Then luckily the robber who had looted the Brahmin’s coins was also passing by.
He heard the Brahmin shouting, “Found, found.” The robber became frightened. He thought that the Brahmin had recognized him
And that’s why he’s yelling
Now he will go and complain about him in the royal court.
Frightened by this, he started crying and asking for forgiveness from the Brahmin.
And all the currency looted from him was also returned to him.
Seeing this, Arjun could not help but bow before the Lord.
Arjun said, Lord, what kind of leela is this?
What a bagful of gold coins and valuable rubies could not do, your two paisa did.
Shri Krishna said, “Arjun, this is the difference in your thinking,
When you gave that poor man a bag full of gold coins and precious rubies
Then he thought only about his own happiness.
But when I gave him two paisa.
Then he thought about the suffering of others.
Therefore, O Arjun, the truth is that,
When you think about the suffering of others,
When you are doing good to others,
Then you are doing God’s work,
And then God is with you.