Motivational information: Why take Prasad only in the right hand…?
In Hindu religion and culture, offering food to God and distributing Prasad is considered an essential part of worship.
Often people do not pay attention to some important things while accepting Prasad.
It is believed that taking Prasad in the opposite hand is not considered auspicious.
While taking Prasad, one should always keep the straight hand on top and the opposite hand should be kept below it.
But very few people know what is the reason for this?
Actually, in Hindu religion it is believed that every auspicious work, from which you want to get positive results soon, should be done with the right (right) hand.
That is why every religious work, whether it is a Yagya or charity, should be done directly with hands. When we perform Havan and Yagya is offered to Lord Narayana, it is offered with the right hand only.
In Hindu scriptures, using the left hand while performing any kind of ritual is considered prohibited. Be it offering water to the idol of God, offering food to him or offering material in the fire of Havan.
Only the right hand is used for all this. There is also a scientific reason behind this.
Actually, straight hand is considered to give positive energy. According to our tradition, Prasad is considered a blessing from God.
Thinking this, our ancestors made the belief that Prasad should be taken directly in the hand…!!