Seven Chakra Stones aid in maintaining the proper energy levels of the seven Chakras, resulting in the wearer feeling more balanced overall. When you concentrate on maintaining the chakras open and replacing negative thoughts with an optimistic attitude on life, the task becomes more achievable.
When certain crystals are used in conjunction with specific chakras in the body, the crystalline structure of the gemstones works to enhance your healing intentions while also restoring and rebalancing the energy body by clearing blockages from the energy field. The cleansing of the seven chakras also helps to restore balance to hyperactive energy while strengthening any weaknesses that may have developed.
The Seven Colors of the Chakras:
Root Chakra – Color: Red Jasper – Root Chakra – Red Jasper
Carnelian is the stone for the Sacral Chakra, which is orange in colour.
Yellow Jade is used to stimulate the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Aventurine is the stone for the Heart Chakra in the colour green.
Lapis Lazuli is the colour of the Throat Chakra.
Chakra of the Third Eye – white colour – crystal
Chakra of the Crown – Violet Color – Amethyst
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