Saturday, March 15, 2025
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,732
Saturday, 15-03-2025 06:48 AM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,732


Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri
Adhyatmic Stories

When Maharishi Matang started going to Devlok after handing over the ashram to Shabari


When Maharishi Matang started going to Devlok after handing over the ashram to Shabari, Shabari also started insisting on going along with him.

Shabari was ten years old. She started crying holding the hand of Maharishi Matang.

Maharishi became distraught after seeing Shabari crying. Explained to Shabari, “Daughter, God will come to this ashram, you wait here.”

Innocent Shabari definitely knew that Guru’s sentence would remain true, she again asked – “When will he come..?”

Maharishi Matang was a trikaldarshi. He knew everything about the past and future, he was a Brahmarishi. Maharishi sat down on his knees in front of Shabari and bowed to Shabari.

All the sages present around were immersed in confusion. How did this reverse happen? Guru bows to the disciple here, how did this happen???

No one could speak before the brilliance of Maharishi.
Maharishi Matang said-
His daughter has not been born yet.
Dashrath ji’s marriage has not even taken place yet.
He will marry Kaushalya. Then there will be a long wait for God.
Then Dashrath ji will marry Sumitra. Then wait..

Then he will get married to Kaikai. Then wait..

Then he will be “born”, then he will be married to Mata Janaki. Then he would be in exile for 14 years and then in the last year of his exile, Mata Janaki would be abducted. Then they will come here in search of them. You tell them to be friends with Sugriva. Free him from the torment of the oppressor Bali, your wish will be fulfilled. And you will definitely win over Ravana.

Shabari became confused for a moment. “Abodh Shabari” could not even measure such a long waiting time.

She then became impatient and asked – “How will such a long wait be completed Gurudev???”

Maharishi Matang said – “He is God, he will definitely come. This future is certain. But if he wishes, then keeping aside this science of Kaal Darshan, he can come anytime. But he will definitely come…!

When he needed something beyond birth and death, Theksha even came out of the pillar for Prahlad. So wait. They can come any time. All three times will remember me as your guru. Perhaps this is the result of my penance.”

Shabari obeyed the Guru’s orders and stayed there in the ashram. She used to wait for Lord Shri Ram every day. She knew that the wheel of time dances on her fingers, he could come at any time.

She spreads flowers on the road every day and waits every moment.

Can come anytime.
Spread flowers everywhere and wait every moment. Shabari grew old. But she kept waiting with the same innocent mind.

And one day Lord Shri Ram’s feet fell on the flowers spread by him. Shabari’s throat got blocked. A stream of tears burst from the eyes.

The Guru’s statement came true. God came to his house. The result of Shabari’s wait was that Ram, to whom all three mothers had never fed him, ate Shabari’s food.

Hail to such a fallen, pure, dignified, virtuous and well-wisher Shri Ram Ji. Be victorious . Be victorious.. After staring at that great man for a long time, old lady Bhilani uttered the following words:

“Tell me Ram! Didn’t you face much trouble in finding Shabari’s hut?”

Ram smiled – “Mother, I had to come here, what is the value of suffering..?”

“You know Ram! I have been waiting for you since the time you were not even born, I didn’t even know who you were? How you look? Why would you come to me? I just knew that a great man would come, who would be my Will end the wait.

Ram said, “That’s why it had been decided even before my birth that Ram would have to go to Shabari’s ashram.”

“Let me tell you one thing Lord! There are two types of surrender in devotion. The first is ‘monkey feeling’ and the second is ‘marjari feeling’.

“The baby monkey holds his mother’s stomach with all his strength so that he does not fall… He has the most trust in his mother and holds her with all his strength. This is also a feeling of devotion, in which the devotee holds on to his God with full strength. Worships him day and night…!” (monkey feeling)

But I did not adopt this sentiment. “I was like that kitten, which does not hold its mother, but remains rest assured that the mother is there, that she will protect me herself, and the mother actually walks around with it hanging in her mouth. I was also sure that you will come, why should I catch you…” (Marjari Bhav)

Ram kept smiling..!!

Bheelni said again – “I am thinking that even in evil there is some goodness hidden… “Where are you in the far north, where am I in the extreme south!” You are the future of the prestigious Raghu clan, I am the Bhilni of the forest. If Ravana was not to be killed then where would you have come from..?”

Ram became serious and said-

Don’t be confused, mother! “Has Ram come to kill Ravana..?”

Lakshman can kill Ravana even by shooting an arrow with his foot.

Ram has walked thousands of miles to come to this deep forest, so he has come only to meet you, Mother, so that “even after thousands of years, when someone raises questions on the existence of India, history shouts and answers that this nation will be blessed with Kshatriya Ram and His Bhilani mother had coined it together.”

“When someone points a finger at the traditions of India, time will grab him by the throat and say no! This is the only civilization where a prince accepts fourteen years of exile to meet a forest dweller waiting in the forest.”

Ram has come to the forest only so that “when the history of the ages is written, it should be written in it that when “governance/administration and power” reaches the last person of the society living in the forest on foot, then only it is Ramrajya.”

Ram has come to the forest so that the future remembers that waits are definitely fulfilled. Mother, Ram has not come just to kill Ravana!

Mother Shabari kept staring at Ram.

Ram again said-

Ram’s forest journey is not for Ravana’s war, Mother! “Ram’s journey has begun, to establish the ideal of the future.”

“Ram has come out of the palace, so that he can give a message to the world that to be ‘Ram’ is to fulfill even the undesirable wishes of a mother.”

“Ram has come out so that “India can teach the world that the punishment for any insult to Sita is meted out by the destruction of the entire empire of the uncivilized Ravana.”

“Ram has come so that “India can tell the world that ending injustice and terror is religion.”

“Ram has come so that “India can teach the world forever that to eliminate the enemy sitting abroad, it is necessary that first the noses of its supporters sitting in the country should be cut off and the pride of the weed-polluters should be broken.”


Ram has come to tell the ages that the war with Ravana is won not only by the power of Ram but by the blessings of Shabari sitting in the forest.

Shabari’s eyes were filled with tears.
He changed the topic and said, “Ram, will you eat the plum?”

Ram smiled, “I will not go without eating, mother!”

Shabari brought plums from her hut in the hut and placed them in front of Ram.

When Ram and Lakshman started eating, he said-
“Plums are sweet, aren’t they, Lord?”

“After coming here, I have forgotten the difference between sweet and sour, mother! I just understand that this is nectar.”

Shabari smiled and said, “Truly you are Maryada Purushottam, Ram!”

Respectful salutations again and again to Maryada-Purushottam Lord Shri Ram.

Jai Shri Ram🙏🏻


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