Shraddha feast given by Sita Mata
King of birds Garuda asked Lord Krishna – Oh Lord! On earth, people perform Shraddha of their dead ancestors. Food of their choice is served to Brahmins etc. But has anyone seen the ancestors coming to earth from the ancestral world and eating food in Shraddha?
Lord Shri Krishna said- Hey Garuda! To clear your doubts, let me narrate the incident that happened with Goddess Sita. Listen to the story of Sitaji seeing her father-in-law and three ancestors in the bodies of Brahmins invited for Shraddha at Pushkar pilgrimage.
Garuda! You all know that Shri Ram went to the forest following the orders of his father Dasharatha, Sita was also with him. Later Shri Ram came to know that his father had left his body due to his separation.
Wandering from forest to forest, Shri Ram also traveled to Pushkar pilgrimage with Sita ji. Now it was the occasion of Shraddha, so what could be better than having father’s Shraddha in Pushkar. After reaching the pilgrimage, he started preparations for Shraddha.
Shri Ram himself collected various vegetables, fruits and other suitable food items. Janaki ji prepared food. He prepared a ripe fruit and presented it in front of Shri Ram Ji.
Shri Ram invited the sages and Brahmins with respect. Sita ji herself got initiated into the Shraddha ritual by the orders of Shri Ram and followed that religion properly and appropriately. all preparations completed
Now there was a wait for the sages and Brahmins to come for Shraddha. At that time the Sun reached the middle of the sky and it was Kutup Muhurta i.e. the eighth Muhurta of the day or noon. All the sages whom Shri Ram had invited had come.
Shri Ram welcomed and honored all the sages and Brahmins and requested them for food. After taking the seat for food to the sages and Brahmins, Janaki came there to serve food.
He served some food to the sages with great devotion on a plate made of their leaves. She also went among the Brahmins. But suddenly Janaki came out from among the brahmins and sages having food and immediately went away from there.
Sita hid herself among the vines. Shriram was watching this activity. Shri Ram was somewhat surprised by this act of Sita. Then he thought – Sadhvi Sita must have gone somewhere out of shame without feeding the Brahmins.
Sita ji is sitting alone. Then Shri Ram ji thought – What could be the reason for this sudden action, now is not the time to know.
Before knowing this from Janaki, I will feed these Brahmins, then after talking to them I will understand the reason.
Thinking this, Shri Ram himself served food to those Brahmins. Even while bidding farewell to the sages after the meal, the thought kept flashing in Shri Ram’s mind as to why Sita behaved so unexpectedly.
After those Brahmins left, Shri Ram asked his beloved Sitaji – Why did you hide behind the creepers after seeing the Brahmins? This did not seem appropriate. This could have disrupted the meals of the sages. they could also be angry
Shri Ram said- O Sita! You know that sages and Brahmins are considered symbols of ancestors. So why did you do this? There is a desire to know the reason for this. tell me immediately
After Shri Ram said this, Sita ji stood in front with her face down and said with tears in her eyes – O Lord! Hear the kind of wonder I’ve seen here
In the front row of Brahmins present in this Shraddha, I saw two great men who looked like kings. I was surprised to see great men like kings and emperors dressed up among the sages and Brahmins. That’s why I also had darshan of your father.
He was also adorned with all kinds of royal clothes and jewellery. Seeing your father, I came alone without telling you. Not only did I feel ashamed but something else also came to my mind and then I decided
Oh, Lord ! How could I go in front of my father-in-law wearing tree bark and deer skin? I am telling you this only truth. How could I give that food with my own hands to the king, whose slaves never eat that food?
How could I keep that food in containers made of mud and leaves etc and give it to them? I am the one who used to be adorned with all kinds of jewelery and your father had seen me in that condition. How could I approach him today in this state?
This would upset his mind also. How could I see him in anger? Would this have been appropriate in any way? Because of the shame caused by all these reasons, I turned back and sat among the dense creeper bushes so as not to be seen by anyone.
Garuda ji said- O Lord, my doubt was properly cleared by your story that in Shraddha the ancestors appear in person and they are present among the Brahmins who eat the Shraddha food.