Shraddha Paksha and Puranas
Shraddha Paksha, which is also called Pitru Paksha.
It is an important time in Hinduism, dedicated to paying respect and offering offerings to ancestors.
Usually, it starts after the full moon day of Bhadrapada month and continues till the new moon day of Ashwin month. In the Puranas and scriptures, special importance of Shraddha Paksha has been mentioned. By the Shraddha rituals performed during this time, the ancestors are satisfied and the family members receive blessings.
1) Garuda Purana ~
Garuda Purana gives detailed information about death, Shraddha rituals and Pitru Tarpan. It is said in this text that, during Shraddha, feeding the Brahmins and the food, water, and tarpan offered to the ancestors reaches the ancestors.
According to Garuda Purana, by performing Shraddha rituals, the ancestors are satisfied and their souls find peace, thereby freeing them from the cycle of rebirth.
2) Vishnu Purana~
The process of Shraddha rituals and Tarpan has been described in Vishnu Purana. It is told that, by performing Shraddha and Tarpan as per the rituals during Pitru Paksha, the souls of the ancestors are satisfied and the children receive their blessings.
The importance of offering water to the ancestors, reciting special mantras, and donations to please the ancestors is also mentioned in this Purana.
3) Mahabharata ~
In the Anushasana Parva of Mahabharata, the importance of Shraddha has been mentioned. According to this, by performing Shraddha, all kinds of sins of a person are destroyed and he gets the blessings of his ancestors.
It is said in Mahabharata that, a person who performs Shraddha gets longevity, prosperity, and satisfaction in life.
4) Manusmriti~
There is also a description of Shraddha ritual in Manusmriti. According to this, the tarpan done with reverence for the ancestors is called Shraddha. It is said that by performing Shraddha, the ancestors are pleased and bless the family with happiness and prosperity.
5) Brahma Purana ~
It is said in Brahma Purana that, offering donations, food and tarpan during Shraddha Paksha satisfies the souls of ancestors and removes obstacles in a person’s life.
It is told that by donating cow, land, food and clothes at the time of Shraddha, the ancestors become extremely happy.