Shri Radha Krishna Temple
VG65+V59, Sigatoka, Fiji
Sri Radha Damodar Temple is a three storey multi-million dollar complex that houses the temple of Sri Sri Radha Damodar, Srimati Radharani boutique shop, a restaurant, a medical center, ashrams and prasadam hall at various levels. It is a landmark achievement of Srila Tamala Krishna Goswami’s disciples HG Gita Kirti Devi Dasi and HG Gurusmarna Devi Dasi. The temple project was undertaken by them under spiritual guidance from HH Vedavayasapriya Swami and GBC for Fiji HH Bir Krishna Goswami. The temple is just few meters away from the main town and can be seen from a distance while crossing the famous Sigatoka bridge.
The temple boasts state of art facility for worship. It has separate kitchen for deities and public cooking, modern multi-media built in the hall for functions and religious gatherings such as weddings, birthdays and seminars. The temple premises also contain a special memorable museum built in honor of Srila Tamala Krishna Goswami. The presiding deities, Sri Sri Radha Damodar reside on the top floor adorned with magnificent dressing and jewellery. The temple contains beautifully carved dioramas of Sri Pancha Tattva, Sri Rama Chandra and a beautiful form of Lord Damodar being bound by Yasoda mata. At the main entrance of the temple is Lord Shiva.