Sri Malayala Devi Durga Bhagavathi Amman Temple
Sri Malayala Devi Durga Bhagavathi Amman Temple
Sri Malayala Devi Durga Bhagavathi Amman temple is located at Navakkarai in Coimbatore district -Tamilnadu. This Devi temple is believed to be more than 500 years old.The sthala vriksham is Vrischika tree. There are separate shrines for God Maha Ganapathi, Ayyappan, Kavalrayan, Kayilainathar and Puttru Lakshminarayanan.
Temple History
The interesting story of churning the milk ocean to obtain nectar (Amirtha) is well known among the people of this country. This contest was held between the demons and the Devas. The Devas performed a Yaga in Kerala praying to Devi Durga Bhagavathi to get the nectar for them. Mother Devi appeared in front of all the devas and commanded God Vishnu and God Shiva to protect the Devas and the humans. During this contest, Nandi wanted to see Devi. God Lakshminarayana assured the Nandi of its chance. Excited Nandi took a colossal form showing its horns on the earth. God Lakshminarayana asked the Nandi to see the earth closely. Nandi enjoyed the darshan of Devi Bhagavathi.
Planet Saturn (Shani) too had this darshan.
Saturn proclaimed that “Those enjoying this darshan and going around me clockwise lighting a ghee lamp would be freed from the adverse effects caused during my 7.5 year Gochara period and also from the adverse aspects of Mars (Mangal graha) and all planetary problems”.
The sandal applied on the idol of Bhagavathi Amman is offered as Prasad to the devotees on Chitra Poornima day (Full moon day in April-May). As it contains many herbal properties, consuming the sandal would cure the devotee of any disease, according to belief.