Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,822
Tuesday, 25-03-2025 06:05 PM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,822


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Sun ray therapy method in Vedas


Various types of germs are destroyed by sun rays. The benefits of steam bath are the same as those of sun bath. Sunbathing opens the pores and the body sweats in sufficient quantity and the impurities inside the body melt and come out. Due to which health improves.

Vitamin D is not found in significant quantities in the milk of cows who are not allowed to roam outside in the sun and are kept indoors all day and fed.

The rising sun is the life of the entire world. प्रणाह प्रजनामुद्यत्येश सुर्याह प्रनोपनिशाध 1/8 The sun rises as the life of the people.

There is discussion in Atharva Veda about curing diseases by sun rays. In Atharvaveda Kand 1 Sukta 22-

Anusuryamudayataan hridyoto Harima chate. Cow Rohitsya description ten Twa Paridhyasi. 1॥

Meaning- Oh diseased person. May your heart palpitations, heartburn etc. and pandu disease disappear with the rising of the sun. The red colored ones of the Sun fill us with the color of the rising Sun.

In this mantra, there is advice to use the blood colored rays of the Sun to destroy heart diseases. According to Surya Kiran therapy, it is advised to give water kept in a red glass vessel kept in the sun’s rays to the patients suffering from jaundice and heart disease.

“Paritva rohitvarnedirghayutvaay couple. Yathayamarpa asadatho aharito bhuvat॥ 2.

Meaning- O person suffering from foot disease. In order to ensure a long life, they surround you with covers filled with red light from the sun’s rays so that you become free from diseases as a result of sin and so that you can also be freed from this disease.

It is also good to feed such patients fruits like oranges, apples, grapes etc. and to pamper them with pink flowers.

Ya Rohini Daivatya Gao Ya Ut Rohini. Rupam Rupam Vayovyastamishtrava Paridhyasi. 3॥

Meaning- The Gods who are the morning blood-coloured rays of the light sun and the red-coloured Kapila cows or the herbs that grow within them, the radiant glow present within them and the creator of long life, nourish you in every way through them.

In relation to heart disease, Vavyatoot Ashtag collection, heart disease diagnosis a. It is written in Chapter 5, five types of heart diseases are caused by Vaataja, Pitaja, Kaphaja, Tridoshaja and worms. Their different symptoms appear. Similarly, a distorted form of foot disease is Halimak. In that the body turns green, blue, yellow. He suffers from dizziness, thirst, insomnia, indigestion and fever etc. The use of Rohini, Haridrava and Gokshir has been shown in their treatment. Rohit Rohini, Topanaka, it seems to be the same class.Haridrava is the intake of turmeric and other similar knotty medicines. Shuka also means a tree class.

In Atharvaveda Kanda 6, Sukta 83, there is a description of treating goiter with the help of Sun.

Apacitah Prapatat Suparno Vasateriv. Surya: Krinothu Bheshajan, Moon is that pochhatu.

(Atharva. 6. 83.1)

Meaning- O patient, the disease related to the skull of your head and the special kind of pain in your heart have now subsided. Hey Sun! As soon as you rise, you destroy head diseases with your rays and also soothe the intense pain that breaks body parts.

In this way the rising sun removes all diseases with its rays.

The patient’s body should be naked while taking sun bath. When the sun’s rays fall on the skin, it has special benefits. The head should always be protected from sunlight. Sunbathing is very beneficial in eczema. If any major part of the body has become weak, then taking sun bath benefits them. Sunbathing is also prohibited in some diseases, such as in all types of fever.

In this way, there is a clear description of natural Surya Kriya therapy in the Vedas.

Surya Kiran therapy method provides relief from every disease

Surya Kiran therapy is this type of therapy which every person can easily use at his home. With this a person can protect his body from getting sick or can get relief from his disease. Surya therapy has its own principles which are completely natural.

What are the principles of sun ray therapy?

According to Surya science, the cause of disease is the increase in the incidence of colors in the body. According to Surya Kiran therapy, different colors have different properties. Red color produces excitement and blue color produces strength. To avail the benefits of these colours, water is kept in colored bottles for eight-nine hours and consumed.
The human body is made of chemical elements. Color is a chemical mixture. The color of the body is determined by the type of color which is present in abundance in that organ.Like skin color is wheatish, hair color is black and eyeball color is white. Symptoms of disease appear due to increase or decrease in a particular color in the body, like lack of blood is a symptom of lack of red color in the body. Sun is the storehouse of health and vitality.

Benefits of sun rays

The more contact a person has with the sun, the healthier he will be. People who keep their house closed with windows from all sides and do not allow sunlight to enter the house, they always remain sick. Wherever the sun’s rays reach, the germs of disease automatically die and the diseases are cured. Birth cannot take place. The Sun showers many types of essential elements through its rays and by consuming those elements in the body, even incurable diseases can be cured.
A person may fall sick instead of getting healthy due to the scorching heat of summer which scorches the body in a few moments, but in the ancient text Atharvaveda, morning sun bath has been described as an effective way to keep the heart healthy. It is said that a person who consumes the red rays of the sun at sunrise never suffers from heart disease.
As you all know that sunlight has seven colors. Each of those seven colors has a different nature. It provides a different kind of benefit. Keeping this in mind, we are giving you special information about those seven colors so that you can benefit from them.

Now we will learn about the treatment of the seven colors of the Sun-

Red Rays: 80% of the sun’s rays are red rays only. These are heat rays, which our skin absorbs 80% of. Their special function is to stimulate the nervous system. Red color increases heat and provides vitality to inanimate parts of the body. If there is no movement in any part of the body, then applying red color on that part brings consciousness to it. Red color provides relief in diseases like joint pain, cold pain, swelling, sprain, arthritis etc.1. If someone has cold feet, he should wear red colored socks. Lack of red color in the body causes more lethargy. Sleep increases but appetite decreases. Massaging with sun-heated red water and oil prevents arthritis and any kind of child disease. It is beneficial to wash boils and pimples with sun-heated red colored water.

special caution

1) Do not eat food in a room which is painted red. Do not eat food on a red table cover, it spoils digestion.
2) Drink only a little red colored sun-heated water, drinking too much may cause vomiting and diarrhea.

2. Orange ray: This color also increases heat. This color is a panacea for asthma. In diseases like asthma, TB, enlargement of spleen, intestinal dysfunction etc., giving orange ray heated water 50 cc twice a day is beneficial. Massaging with orange ray heated oil is beneficial in paralysis.

3. Yellow Ray: 👉 Yellow color increases intelligence, prudence and knowledge. This is why sages and sages used to wear yellow clothes. In diseases like upset stomach, disorders, crummy disease, flatulence, constipation, indigestion etc., giving water heated by the sun through yellow rays is beneficial. Give 50 cc of water twice a day.

4. Green Ray: Its nature is moderate. This color is especially beneficial in eye and skin diseases. This color increases appetite, green color is a panacea for calming the heat of the mind and improving eyesight. If prematurely graying hair is massaged with oil heated by the sun with green rays, it will provide relief. Massaging the head and feet prevents eye diseases and helps in good sleep. In case of ear diseases, adding 4-5 drops of green oil is beneficial. Those suffering from itching and boils should wear green colored clothes.

Sky rays: These have magnetic and electric power. This is the best color among all the colors, this color provides peace. Lord Ram and Krishna were also wearing the same colour. The lighter the sky color, the better it is. In case of tonsil or throat disease, giving 50 cc of sky blue sun heated water twice a day is beneficial. In case of bone disease or arthritis, tying bandages soaked in this water will be beneficial.Massaging with oil of this color makes the body strong and beautiful. Even if a healthy person drinks this water, it works as a tonic. In case of bee or scorpion bite, washing the area with blue color will be beneficial. If there is swelling in the body, wear blue colored clothes.

Blue Ray: Deficiency of this color causes stomach cramps, gastroenteritis and fever. In this, give 50 cc sun heated water of blue ray twice a day, it will be beneficial. When boils and pimples are washed with this water, pus does not form in them. Gargling with this water provides relief in tonsils and ulcers. By massaging the head with this colored oil, the hair becomes black and soft. There is no headache and the brain gets strength. Memory power becomes sharp.

Purple ray: This ray is cool. Lack of this color increases heat in the body. There is cholera, mild fever and discomfort. Giving 50 cc of sun heated water made from violet rays twice a day to a rabies patient is beneficial. T.B. The patient also gets benefit from this water. Water with blue rays increases intelligence and keeps the mind calm. Massaging the body with oil made from this color helps in getting good sleep and removes fatigue.

Some other important information related to sun rays

Sun ray therapy is usually done through four mediums-

1.👉 Indoor use with water
2.👉 External use by oil
3.👉 By breathing
4.👉 Directly by Kiran

There are seven colors in the sun’s rays but the basic colors are only three.

1.👉 Red
2.👉 Yellow
3.👉 Blue

Surya therapy is done with the help of these colors.

1.👉 Orange (one of red, yellow, orange)
2.👉 Green color
3.👉 Blue (one of blue, sky blue, purple)

Method of preparing sun heated water

Fill a clean glass bottle with clean fresh water and close it with a wooden cork. After closing the mouth of the bottle, place it on a wooden plank and keep it in the sun. After 6-7 hours, due to the influence of the sun’s rays, the water gets heated and becomes a medicine and is filled with disease-preventing elements. If you want, make water in different bottles, but keep in mind that the shadow of one colored bottle should not fall on the other colored bottle.

When the bottle kept in the sun gets heated, steam points or bubbles start appearing on the empty part, then understand that the water is ready to be used as medicine. Before the sun goes down, keep it along with the wooden plank at the right place in the house and let the sun-heated water cool down on its own. This water can be used for three days. In chronic diseases, take the dose of water 25 cc three times a day.

In acute diseases, 25 cc should be given after every two hours. In case of fever and cholera, 25 cc should be given at an interval of 1/2 hour. Orange colored bottle water should be taken 15 minutes after breakfast or meal. Blue and green colored water should be taken on an empty stomach, because its function is to remove the dirt accumulated in the body and purify the blood.

If you want to drink sun charged water as a tonic, then prepare it by filling it in a white glass bottle. Washing hair with this water brings shine and prevents hair breakage.

Normally, sunlight appears white but in reality it is a mixture of seven colours. When the sun rays are passed through the three sides of the glass, these seven colors can be seen clearly on the other side. By filling three-fourths of a glass bottle of a particular color with ordinary water, sugar, sugar candy, ghee, glycerin etc. and showing it to the sun’s rays or keeping it in the sun, that glass absorbs the rays of that color from the sunlight. The element and quality of the same color is produced in things like water etc.That insolated (object charged by the sun’s rays) becomes imbued with disease-preventing properties and health-promoting elements. By proper internal and external use of these solar heated objects, the balance of colors in the human body can be maintained and many types of diseases can be easily cured. This is sun ray therapy.

Nature’s precious gift, sun rays

There is a very close relationship between sunlight and digestion processes. If the sun rays do not fall on a human being or any other creature every day, then his digestion and assimilation power gets weakened. There is a close relationship between solar radiation and human life. Life is related to the power of light and its colorful splendor, not to protein, white essence, hydrogen, carbon or heat.

Like the elements of sky and air, the light element is also very subtle. The colorful tapestry that we see in the vast green areas of nature is all an illusion of the colorful rays of the sun. The color inherent in light not only appears beautiful to the eyes but is also the color of life. The sun’s rays have a lasting effect on the living world. This is the basis of sun ray therapy. By keeping water in colored bottles, the effect of light also changes and different properties develop in it.

colors of sun rays

The sun’s rays appear white to the naked eye but in reality they are made of seven colours. These seven colors have different chemical effects. Light and color provide different types of qualities to different fruits and vegetables. According to these chemical properties we use different components. All three creations of nature have some hidden purpose. Due to the light element in the plant world, various types of properties, colors and chemical elements emerge.

Effect of colorful fruits and vegetables

On the basis of colours, we can divide fruits and vegetables into the following categories:

1. Yellow color: Fruits of this color have a good effect on the digestive system, it has special importance in stimulating the nerves of the stomach and pancreas. These fruits are laxative and digestive. These are especially used in stomach disorders. These include paper lemon, grapefruit, macoy, pineapple, melon, papaya, bathua, guava. These contain carbon, nitrogen or mineral salts in abundance.

2. Red colour: Fruits of this color contain high amounts of iron and potassium. There is also sufficient amount of nitrogen and oxygen. Beetroot, red plum, tomato, spinach, red spinach, radish etc. have been kept in this category.

3. Orange colour: Lime and iron are especially found in these fruits and vegetables. This category includes orange, mango, carrot etc.

4. Blue color: We also include dark blue and purple in this color category. These vegetables contain more oxygen, nitrogen, magnesium and phosphorus. Jamun Phalsa, Aloo Bukhara, Bel, Apple especially come in this category.

5. Green colored vegetables are of cool nature, beneficial for the kidneys, cleanses the stomach and proves beneficial in eye and skin diseases.

The balance of fruits, vegetables and vegetables of all the above colors produced by the sun rays is essential for the physical or mental development of a human being. If food of the same color is consumed for a long time, then that color will get accumulated in the body and may cause disease. Therefore, food of all colors should be used as much as possible. We can establish harmony by establishing personal color balance.

Use of sun rays in daily life

Sunlight has the best and indescribable benefits for humans. Its impact on our soul is so profound that we often feel as if we are suffocating in darkness. By living in light, inner hatred goes away and sadness in the heart goes away and the mind becomes happy. Light represents enthusiasm, courage and curiosity.

Sun bath: Sun has germicidal powers, hence one should practice exposure to sunlight as much as possible. There is a custom of sun bathing in America and England to absorb the life-giving powers of the Sun. When people go to the beach for sunbathing, they take off only their panties and other clothes altogether and lie down on the sand in the bright rays of the sun.

use in insomnia

Sunlight is like nectar for insomnia and anemia. Insomnia can even lead to caries. Taking sunlight increases the vitalizing air of the blood and also increases the speed of movement. In light, breathing becomes deeper and slower. This results in good sleep at night.

blood deficiency

In anemia the patient is very troubled by headache. In such a condition, giving sun rays is beneficial.

blood pressure

Using sun rays to treat high blood pressure reduces blood pressure. It is advisable for even the common man to sit in the sun for 10-15 minutes. Weight increases due to consumption of sun rays. In all conditions of blood pressure, sunlight should be consumed only as per the orders of a qualified doctor.

in healing wounds

Sunlight has proved to be very surprising as it speeds up the blood. Contaminated germs are destroyed by the sun’s rays. Sun rays cross the body and cause growth of bacteria in the blood. By this all types of deficiencies get destroyed and the wound gets healed. The patient should take complete sun bath every day for some time.

Miracle of the Sun in Decay

Sun rays are very beneficial in tuberculosis. Life force appears in the blood. A tuberculosis patient should sit in the sun for 10 to 20 minutes. The less clothes remain on the body, the better. It is best if the body remains naked. Modern doctors consider sun rays as a great medicine for caries. In case of caries, one should take orders from a qualified doctor for using sun rays.

in ordinary life

Sun bathing is very useful, it is an invaluable and unique gift of nature. Small children should be exposed to sunlight for some time daily. In winter they should be allowed to play in the sun only. Infants should be made to lie down in the sun rays for some time. Sunlight is a great medicine for patients.

Sun bathing will increase the amount of iron in the blood by 2 percent. For this you will not need iron-rich foods or iron-enhancing foods. Sunbathing produces so many efficacious properties in the body, which is always unknown to the medical system, such efficacious properties are never found in any of its medicines.The elements already present under the skin are immediately converted into Vitamin D by the sun’s rays. Treatment of diseases caused by lack of lime in the body is very easy. That is the use of sunlight.

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