Saturday, February 22, 2025
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,628
Saturday, 22-02-2025 10:30 AM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,628


Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri

Ways To Get Relief From physical heat through mothers mantras during Navratri


You can also chant these mantras of Maa Durga every day. But quick effects have been seen by chanting during Navratri.

To get rid of all kinds of obstacles:

सर्वबाधाविनिर्मुक्तो धनधान्यसुतान्वितः।

मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशयः॥

sarvabadhavinirmukto dhandhanyasutanvitah.

manushyo matprasaden bhavishyati na sanshayah॥

Meaning:- Man will be “free from all obstacles” and will be blessed with wealth, grains and son by my Prasad – there is no doubt in this.

Make sure to perform ‘Dashansh’ Havan by chanting at least 1.25 lakhs.

Use this mantra if you fear any kind of crisis or obstacle. By chanting the above mantra with faith and belief, a person becomes free from all kinds of obstacles and gets wealth and a son.

For peace of hindrance:

सर्वबाधाप्रशमनं त्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरी।
एवमेव त्वया कार्यमस्मद्वैरिविनाशनम्॥
sarvabadhaprashamanam trailokyasyakhileshvari.
evmev tvaya karyamasmadvairivinashanam॥
Meaning:- Sarveshwari! In this way, you calm down all the obstacles in the three worlds and keep destroying our enemies.
To eliminate calamities:
सर्वस्यार्तिहरे देवि नारायणी नमोऽस्तु ते॥
sarvasyaartihare devi narayani namo̕stu te॥
That is: Narayani Devi, who is engaged in protecting the poor and suffering people who take refuge in her and relieves everyone’s suffering. Greetings to you.
To destroy sin:
हिंसास्ति दैत्यतेजांसि स्वनेनापूर्य य जगत्।
सा घंटा पातु नो देवी पापेभ्योन्न: सुतानिव॥
hinasti daityatejansi svanenaapurya ya jagat.
saa ghanta patu no devi papebhyo̕na: sutaniv॥
Meaning:- Goddess! May your bell, which pervades the entire world with its sound and destroys the might of demons, protect us from our sins in the same way as a mother protects her sons from evil deeds.
For destruction of calamities and attainment of good fortune:
करोतु स नः शुभहेतुरिश्वरी शुभानि भद्रान्याभिहंतु चापदः।
Karotu Sa Na: Shubhheturishwari Shubhani Bhadraanyabhihantu Chapadah.
Meaning: May God, who is the source of welfare, bless us and destroy all the obstacles.
To destroy fear:
सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वेशे सर्वशक्ति समनविते। भयेभ्यः नो देवी दुर्गा देवी नमोऽस्तु ते।
एत्तत्ते वदानं सौम्य लोचनत्रयभूषितम्। पतु न: सर्वभीतिभ्य: कात्यायनी नमोस्तु ते।
ज्वालाकरलमत्युग्रमशेषसुरसूदनम्। त्रिशूलं पातु न भीतरभद्रकाली नमोस्तु ते।

Sarvaswarupe Sarveshe Sarvashakti Samnavite. Bhayebhayahi no Devi Durga Devi Namostu te.

Meaning:- Goddess Durga, who is omnipresent, omniscient and endowed with all kinds of powers! Protect us from all fears; Greetings to you. Katyayani! May this gentle mouth of yours adorned with three lochans protect us from all kinds of fears. Greetings to you. Bhadrakali! May your trident, which appears monstrous due to flames, is extremely fierce and is the destroyer of all demons, save us from fear. Greetings to you.
For all kinds of welfare:
सर्वमंगलमंगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरी नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते॥
sarvamangalamangalye shive sarvarthasadhike.
sharanye tryambake gouri narayani namo̕stu te॥
Meaning:- Narayani! You are the auspicious one who bestows all kinds of blessings. May Shiva be the benefactor. She is the one who fulfills all the efforts, surrenders herself to the soul, has three eyes and is fair. Greetings to you.
If a person is troubled by sorrow, poverty and fear and is not achieving success even after trying hard, then use the above mantra.
To get Sulakshana wife:
Wife’s captivating body and mind-boggling mind.
तारिणी दुर्गसंसारसागरस्य कुलोद्भवम्।
Meaning:- Provide me with a beautiful wife who follows the desires of the mind, who can save her from the difficult world and is born in a good family.
To gain power:
सृष्टितिविनाशनं शक्ति भूते सनातनी।
गुणाश्रये गुणमये नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते॥
srishtisthitivinashanam shakti bhute sanatani.
gunashraye gunamaye narayani namo̕stu te॥
Meaning:- You are the power of creation, maintenance and destruction, the eternal goddess, the basis of qualities and the one with all qualities. Narayani! Greetings to you.
To get protection:
शूलेन पाहि नो देवी पाहि खड्गेन चाम्बिके।
घण्टस्वनेन न: पाहि चापज्यानि:स्वनेन च॥
shulen pahi no devi pahi khadgen chaambike.
ghantasvanen na: pahi chapajyani:svanen ch॥
Meaning:- Goddess! You protect us from colic. Ambike! You protect us from the sword and also from the sound of the bell and the sound of the bow.
To keep the body safe and to keep it safe from any kind of injury or harm or any kind of weapon, chant this mantra regularly with devotion.
For attaining education and motherly feelings:
विद्याः समस्तस्तव देवि भेदाः स्त्रीः समस्ताः सकला जगत्सु।
त्वैयाकाया पूरितमम्बयितत् का ते स्तुतिः स्तव्यपरा परोक्तिः।
Vidya: Samastastav Devi Bheda: Stryah Samasta: Sakala Jagatsu.
Tvaiyakaya puritmambayaitat ka te stutih stavyapara paroktih.
Meaning:- Goddess! All the knowledge of the world are different forms of you. All the women in the world are your idols. Magnificence! You alone have pervaded this world. What can be your praise? You are beyond anything worthy of praise.

Recite this mantra to attain all types of knowledge and to attain motherly feeling in all women.

To attain happiness:

प्रणतनम् प्रसीद त्वम् देवी विश्वर्तिहरिणी।
त्रैलोक्यवासिनामिद्ये लोकानां वरद भव॥
pranatanam prasid tvam devi vishvartiharini.
trailokyavasinamidye lokaanam varada bhav॥
Meaning:- The goddess who removes the pain of the world! We are lying at your feet, be pleased with us. Worshipable Goddess of the inhabitants of Trilok! Give blessings to all the people.
To attain health and good fortune:
देहि सौभाग्यं मारोग्यं देहि मे परमं सुखम्। रूप देहि जय देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि।
Dehi Saubhagya Marogya Dehi Me Param Sukham. Roop dehi jaay dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi.
Meaning:- Give me good fortune and health. Give me supreme happiness, give me beauty, give me victory, give me fame and destroy my enemies like lust, anger etc.
To destroy the epidemic:
जयन्ती मंगला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी। दुर्गा क्षमा शिवे धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते।
Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadrakali Kapalini. Durga Kshama Shiva Dhatri Swaha Swadha Namostu Te.
That is:- Jayanti, Mangala, Kali, Bhadrakali, Kapalini, Durga, Kshama, Shiva, Dhatri, Swaha and Swadha – Jagdambike is famous by these names! My greetings to you.
To eliminate diseases:
रोगानाशेषनपहंसि तुष्टा रुष्टा तु कामान सकलानाभिष्टन्।
त्वमाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणं त्वमाश्रिता ह्यश्रयतं प्रयान्ति॥
Meaning:- Goddess! When you are happy, you destroy all diseases and when you are angry, you destroy all the desires. Those who have taken refuge in you, no calamity befalls them. The people who take refuge in you become the ones who provide refuge to others.
To protect the world:
या श्री: स्वयं सुकृतिनां भवनेश्वालक्ष्मि: पापात्मनं कृतधियान हृदयेषु बुद्धि:।
श्रद्धा सतां कुलजन्प्रभास्य लज्जा तं त्वां नताः स्म परिपालय देवि विश्वम्।
Ya Shri: Swayam Sukritinaam Bhavaneshvalakshmi: Papaatmanam Kritadhiyan Hridayeshu Buddhi:.
Shraddha satan kuljanprabhavasya lajja ta twan nata: sm paripalaya devi vishwam.
Meaning: We salute Goddess Durga who herself resides in the form of Lakshmi in the homes of virtuous souls, in the form of poverty in the homes of sinners, in the form of wisdom in the hearts of people with pure conscience, in the form of devotion in good men and in the form of shame in noble people. We do. Goddess! You follow the whole world.
For the destruction of worldwide calamities:
देवी प्रपन्नर्तिहारे प्रसीद प्रसीद मातर्जगतोऽखिलस्य।
प्रसीद विश्वेश्वरी पाहि विश्वं त्वमीश्वरी देवि चराचरस्य॥
devi prapannartihare prasid prasid matarjagato̕khilasya.
prasid vishveshvari pahi vishvam tvamishvari devi characharasya॥
Meaning: – The goddess who relieves the pain of the surrendered! Be happy with us. Mother of the entire world! Be happy. Visveshwari! Protect the world. Goddess! You are the presiding deity of this world.
To eliminate the sins of the world:
देवी प्रसीद परिपालय नोरिभीतरनित्यं यथासुरवद्धादधुनैव सद्य।
पापानि सर्वजगतां प्रशमं नयाषु उत्तपकजनितांश्च महोप्सर्गन्।
Devi prasid paripalaya noribhiternityam yathasuravdhadadhunaiva sadya.
Papani Sarvajagataan Prashamam Nayashu Uttapakajanitaansch Mahaopsargan.
Meaning:- Goddess! Be happy. Just as you immediately protected us by killing the demons at this time, in the same way always protect us from the fear of enemies. Destroy the sins of the entire world and quickly remove the big troubles like epidemics etc. resulting from mischief and sins.
To destroy the evil and fear of the world:
यस्यः प्रभवमतुलं भगवानान्तो ब्रह्म हरश्च न हि वक्तु मळं बलं च।
स चण्डिकाखिलजगतपरिपलानाय नाशय चशुभभ्यस्य मतिन करोतु॥
Yasya: Prabhavmatulam Bhagwananto Brahma Harascha Na Hi Vaktu Malam Balam Cha.
Sa Chandikakhiljagatparipalanaay nashaay chashubhabhayasya matin karotu॥
Meaning:- Whose unique influence and power even Lord Sheshnag, Brahmaji and Mahadevji are not able to describe, that Bhagwati Chandika should think of taking care of the entire world and destroying the inauspicious fear.
For collective welfare:
देव्या यया ततमिदं जगतात्मशक्त्य निश्शेषदेवगणशक्ति समुहामुत्र्य।
तमम्बिकमखिलदेवमहर्षिपूज्यं भक्त्या नताः स्म विदधातु शुभानि सा नः॥
That is: We respectfully salute Jagdamba, whose form is the community of power of all the gods and who has pervaded the entire world with her power, who is worshiped by all the gods and Maharishis. May they do good to us.
How to chant mantra:-
On the day of Pratipada of Navratri, take a resolution and take bath in the morning and face the east or north direction and worship the idol or picture of Durga with Panchopachar or Dakshopachar or Shodshopachar.
Take a pure and sacred posture and chant the mantra with a rosary of Rudraksha, Crystal, Tulsi or Sandalwood. Complete 1, 5, 7, 11 rosaries and pray to the Mother Goddess for the fulfillment of your work objective.
By chanting throughout Navratri, the desired wishes are definitely fulfilled.
By chanting the above mantra according to the rules and regulations, a person gets rid of sins and sufferings by the grace of Mother Goddess.
And the path to attain salvation seems easy.

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