“Went to Hari Bhajan, got cotton wool.”
It’s an old story. A seeker found Vishnu one day while searching for him. holding the step. He was very happy, very excited. Anything you needed was available. He thanked Vishnu very much and said, “Just one more thing: get me some work, get me some service. You gave so much, gave life, gave the ultimate celebration of life and now this ultimate life also. Give me a little help! Don’t make me feel like I couldn’t do anything for you, you did so much! Give me a little bit of luck! I know you don’t need anything. But my heart will remain that I too could do something for the Lord!
Vishnu said, “Can you do it? It’s going to be very difficult. But the devotees were adamant. So he said: Well, I am thirsty, I swim in the Kshirsagar, Lord Vishnu, what a thirst there is! But for this devotee, he said, ‘Okay, I am thirsty. Go and get some water. Devotees fled. You would say there was Kshirsagar, it would fill up from there. But nobody is seeing that. Go. down in the world. He walked to a door and knocked. A beautiful young woman opened the door. The devotee said, “Goddess, give me a lota of cold water. The young woman said: You have come, Brahmin god! Go inside! Thank you for my home! Don’t go out like that. And then my father left. I was alone at home. If they come, they will be very angry that the Brahmin gods came and you sent them out! No, no, you come in!
For a moment the Brahman god was afraid! She’s a beautiful woman, very beautiful, I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman. Vishnu ji also started fading from memory for a moment. How long does it take for Vishnu to be forgotten! It seemed like a distant dream. Now the devotee is frightened, terrified. That is why Lord Vishnu forgot about it for a moment. The sound started to fade away. He said no, no. Sweat was pouring down my face. But the girl refused.
He took hold of the hand of the Brahmana deity – that you come in, you will not let go. The grasping of his hand – the Vishnu of the Brahman god completely dissolved. He took her inside. He said: “You will take the water, but first have your breakfast.” So I had breakfast and water.
Solitary! That’s the beauty of that girl! To serve the Brahmin god by partaking of that girl! Vishnu slowly faded from memory. Sometimes in between one would remember that the poor would be thirsty, then one would think, well, what a thirst for God! They have said it for me, otherwise what do they want! They are very happy! So there is no hurry. I’ll wait two more minutes. And when the young woman invited that when you have come, my father will also come in a little while, meet him too, he readily agreed. And the girl continued to serve. And the girl’s beauty and appearance captivated the mind. It was late in the evening and my father had not returned. She said: “You have to eat. Where are you going to eat tonight? Cook food, eat food. It was night. “She said:” “Where are you going tonight?” “” Even the Brahmin gods used to think that where will the night go now! Early in the morning, they agreed to leave for Brahmamuhurta. And then the years passed. He didn’t come out then. The Brahman Gods stopped and slept. Then they had sons, daughters, and a great expansion took place. Fifty-six years have passed. They became sons. Then there was a flood. There’s a terrible flood! The Brahmin gods have become old. They are trying to rescue their children and grandchildren from the flood. The entire village has been flooded. It’s a terrible flood! Never heard that before. As he was being rescued from the flood, his wife was washed away. When he ran to save his wife, he lost the hand of the child he was holding. By the time they reached the shore, the entire family had drowned.
On that bank, on a stone cliff, Brahmanical deities stand and a great surge of flood comes. Vishnu sits on a high wave and says: I am thirsty, have you not brought water yet? I told you before, you will not be able to because you ran away from the world. The one who leaves and runs away, his attraction or attachment remains. This story is very intriguing. … Because you fled from the world, you did not rise from the world. He closed his eyes and fled the world. So if you go to the world even for a small work, then you will be entangled / tied in bondage again. They took the water and the whole world. “Went to Hari Bhajan, got cotton wool! “Then when a cotton swells, it just goes away. The woollenness of cotton is such that it is never completed.