Why fates are different even at the same birth time
Often a question is raised in the world of astrology that why and how the destinies of twin children born at the same time, at the same place, in the same house, even in the same womb, i.e., born to the same parents, are different.
The world of astrology gives its answer in terms of place, time and circumstances, but this argument becomes meaningless when two children are born from the same womb at the same time and their fates are different.
Then the argument here is that the fate changes with a difference of a second or a minute. If the ascendant, zodiac sign, navamsha etc. are the same, then will the entire fate change just because of a slight difference in some one or two classes?
An answer to this question exists in astrology itself, which is correct to some extent. Astrology says that the accumulated deeds of a person make his destiny. These accumulated deeds are different for every person, hence the fate of a person is different.
Here an argument arises that the planetary positions of birth are formed on the basis of accumulated karmas and the fate of the person born in those positions is determined, then how does the accumulated karmas affect it separately?
Accumulated karma brings huge changes in the fate of the next birth, even if the planetary positions are the same, the time of birth is the same, the circumstances and families of many people are similar.
Every person born has different experiences in his previous births, his memories are different, his struggles are different, his marriages are different, even if they are the same in this birth.
As Hindu followers know, the soul is immortal and never dies, the body changes. So, when the soul gets separated from the body, the memories of the soul do not disappear completely. The memories of the subconscious remain with the soul.
If the soul’s memories had ended then there would be no ancestors, no memories of its clan, no memories of ghosts and they would not be reacting differently.
If Guru and Sage Mahatmas were not guiding their followers and disciples, no child would have been able to tell the details of his previous birth even after leaving his body.
In this way, these memories remain connected with the person’s soul and remain safe in the subconscious after birth. Sometimes they show a dream of some place or scene and after a few days the person realizes that here I was in the dream earlier. I have already come. Or suddenly it seems that I have come here before, even if I had never dreamed. These are the memories of the previous birth which are safe in the subconscious.
When a person is born, even though his ascendant and planetary positions are the same, his subconscious memories and thinking are different. Due to this, his decisions, direction of thinking, his personality, his experiences are different from those of a child born in the same ascendant and time. |
On the basis of these, his decisions and abilities are affected, as a result, his development becomes different, due to which his fate starts getting different, even on the same occasion, some develop more, some develop less because they have different knowledge in their subconscious.
Everyone’s qualities, interests also gradually change, the working style also changes. According to his feelings, someone is courageous and does not hesitate in taking risks because he knows its consequences and solutions. Even though unknowingly, he takes courageous decisions while others. is confused or fearful,
Because there is nothing like this in his memories in his previous lives, his subconscious does not testify to taking risks, he does not know the consequences.
Here the accumulated karma works, even if it is not visible. This analysis was for people born from the same womb at the same time.
Now let us see what will be the fate of people born in different families at the same time.
The fate of people born at the same time of birth under similar circumstances but in different families will definitely be different because there are many factors at work here which definitely change the fate.
In such people, not only are the experiences and memories of the above subconscious different, the powers and energies working on the home, family and parents are also different, which not only affects the genetic qualities of the child born, but also his development after birth. influences
According to the karma of parents, grandparents and family members, positive or negative energies or powers are attached to them.
There may be influence of different energies at home, there may be different nature of family deities and goddesses, there may be different position and influence of ancestors, there may be different influences according to different wishes. All these together have different effects on each child. which affect his development, thinking and experience.
As a result, development takes place in a different environment and the reaction becomes different due to which progress and destiny change. Here, millions of years of accumulated genetic qualities or mutations also come into effect. As a result, the child is completely different from other children of the same time and his Luck is also different.
When there is so much difference between children of the same gestation period and children of different families from similar circumstances and time, then you can understand how much difference there will be between children of different circumstances and family level.
90% of a child’s mental development takes place by the age of 5 years. If he gets a very favorable environment, positive energy and guidance of good thinking, then 90% of his best development takes place on time.
But if there is an influence of negative energies in the family, there is no better environment, there is no proper guidance, which can be due to many reasons, then the child born at the same time will not be able to develop on time, as a result, this time will affect him throughout his life. will do
Similarly, gene diversity and their special qualities also make the actions, thoughts, actions and reactions of two children different even if they have the same ascendant and time, due to which their reaction and viewpoint on the same subject is different, due to which their fate becomes different.
One’s family deity, the nature of the dominant deity at home, the influence of any celestial obstruction, the nature of the energies dominant at home, the position of the ancestors along with the family situation and environment all influence the possibilities of development, which have a direct impact on the future of the child. But it happens and fate diverges.
Astrology is not God, it is your guide.