Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,822
Tuesday, 25-03-2025 05:37 PM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,822


Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri

Why is cremation performed?


When the soul leaves the body, man comes to know in advance. In such a situation, he himself surrenders his weapon, otherwise he would have tried his best to keep the soul in the body and would have suffered pain in this process.

Now the journey of his entire life is playing out in front of him like a moving picture. On the other hand, the soul is preparing to come out of the body, hence the five pranas of the body except one ‘Dhananjay Prana’ start coming out of the body.
This prana comes out before the soul and creates a subtle body for the soul. Which is the vehicle of the soul after leaving the body. Riding on Dhananjay Prana, the soul leaves the body and enters this subtle body.

However, the soul is still in the body and the other souls are gradually coming out of the body before the person becomes aware of it. He starts feeling uneasy and nervous. The whole body starts bursting, the speed of blood starts slowing down. The breathing becomes labored. The outside doors start closing.

That is, now consciousness begins to disappear and unconsciousness begins. Consciousness is the sign of the existence of the soul and when the soul itself is ready to leave the body, then the consciousness has to go and it appears unconscious. The intellect ceases to exist and one begins to feel like entering an unknown world – this is the fourth dimension.

Then unconsciousness comes and the soul suddenly goes out of any open sense. At this time the face becomes distorted. This is the main sign of the soul leaving the body. Before leaving the body – just for a few moments the soul animates the body 100% with its power – so that the path of its exit is not blocked – and then at the same time the soul leaves and the body remains as lifeless as an empty house. .

Before this, sounds of dogs and cats crying are heard around the house. The eyes of these animals are very bright. Due to which they can see even the subtle bodied souls in the darkness of the night. When a person’s soul is ready to leave the body, so are his relatives who are in the form of dead souls. They come to take him and the person considers him to be Yamdoot and the dogs and cats consider him to be an ordinary living human being and because of being unknown, they cry after seeing him and sometimes even bark.

The five types of prana of the body come out and form the subtle body in the same way. Just as the physical body is formed sequentially in the womb.
As soon as the subtle body is formed, the soul comes out with great speed through its original carrier Dhananjay Prana and enters the subtle body. The soul comes out by opening and breaking the body part from which it comes. The souls of those who are grave sinners come out through their urine or feces. The soul of someone who is both a sinner and a virtuous soul comes out of the mouth. Those who are less sinful and more virtuous, their soul emanates from the eyes and those who are completely devout, virtuous and yogi, their soul emanates from the Brahmarandhra.

Now a subtle body continues to be formed outside the body. But this does not happen to everyone. Those who have become free from attachment in their life are yogi men. Only for them the subtle body can be created immediately. Otherwise, those who are suffering from delusion but are intelligent and have knowledge, science or erudition. For such people, the subtle body can be formed in ten days.

In Hindu religious scriptures, there is a tradition of performing Shraddha of ten Gatras and performing Shraddha of the deceased on the last day so that the construction of ten parts of the body gets completed in ten days and the soul gets a subtle body. In such a situation, until the Shraddha of ten Gatra is completed and the subtle body is not ready, the soul resides in the ghost body. If due to some reason this is not possible then the soul keeps wandering in the ghostly state.

One more thing, when the soul leaves the body, the person feels very thirsty for water. When life leaves the body, the throat starts drying up. The heart dries up and the navel starts burning. But due to blockage of the throat, water cannot be drunk and in such a situation the soul leaves the body. Thirst remains unfulfilled. That is why there is a tradition of pouring ‘Ganga water’ in the mouth at the last moment.

After this, the next stop of the soul is ‘Peepal’ of the crematorium. Here ‘Yamghant’ is tied for the soul. Which contains water. Here the thirsty soul drinks water from Yamaghant which is like nectar for him. The soul feels satisfied with this water.

All these are prescribed in Hindu religious scriptures. That – All this has to be done for the deceased so that his soul rests in peace. If due to some reason, the ten-gatra Shraddha of the deceased cannot be performed and Yamghanta cannot be tied to the Peepal tree for him, then his soul will go to the ghostly form and then when will he be freed from there. It will be difficult to say

Yes, there are definitely some solutions, first of all, from the time of someone’s death, the names of God should be chanted or kirtan in a loud voice continuously for thirteen days and by following the prescribed rites, the deceased will be freed from ghosts, spirits, hell. Will be saved from going into trouble, but who will do this?

Only cultured family members, children and relatives can do this. Otherwise, nowadays many people only show off by following formalities.

The second solution is that the person dying should himself be a devotee of Bhajananandi, a devotee of God and should be engaged in remembering Hari as much as possible till the last moment.

Third, the body should be sacrificed in the abode of God, or the cremation should be done in Kashi, Vrindavan or any of the four dhams.

We should think for ourselves whether we should rely on others or pursue our own interests.

Life is very precious, don’t waste it. Make every moment meaningful and take daily refuge in Hari Naam. Go out of the realm of the mind and live life consciously, not under the influence of the mind. This human birth is not achieved again and again.

Every moment of life that is passing will never be regained. In this, keep remembering God and chanting as much as you can, whatever action you do every moment, do it after thinking carefully. Because karma remains with a person like a shadow. Therefore always remain under the cool shadow of good deeds. Anyway, the sound of actions is louder than the sound of words, hence always do your actions thoughtfully.

Just as an arrow does not come back after being shot from the bow, similarly the karma done by you at that moment cannot be returned, whether good or bad. Therefore, before the soul leaves this body, know the soul i.e. yourself while living in the body and keep meditating, thinking, chanting and chanting Lord Shri Ram and Shri Krishna as much as possible through your mind, words and deeds, continuously. By remembering, we will not only be saved from Yama Faas, we will also be able to attain Bhagwat Dham, which is the real goal of life.


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