Why is Guru Mantra kept secret?
Mantra initiation means that when you surrender, the Guru enters you, he enters your body, mind, soul. The Guru will go deep within you and search for the sound that suits you. That will be your mantra. And when you pronounce it you will be a different person in a different dimension.Unless there is surrender, the mantra cannot be given. Giving mantra means that the Guru has entered you, the Guru has experienced your deep rhythm, the music of your soul. And then he gives you a mantra in symbolic form that matches the music within you. And when you chant that mantra, you enter the world of inner music, then inner harmony is achieved.
Mantra is just a key. And the key cannot be given unless the lock is known. I can give you the key only when I understand your lock. A key is meaningful only if it opens the lock. Just any key won’t do. Every person is a special kind of lock, for him a special kind of key is necessary.
This is why mantras are kept secret. If you tell your mantra to someone else, he can use it. This is why people should keep their mantras secret, it is not right to make them public. that’s dangerous. If you have been initiated then you know, you know its value, you cannot keep dividing it. This may be harmful to others. This can be harmful for you also. There are many reasons for this.
First thing is that you are breaking your promise. And as soon as the promise is broken, your contact with the Guru is lost. Then you will not be in touch with the Guru. Continuous contact is maintained only by keeping promises. Secondly, by telling it to others, by talking about it with others, the mantra comes to the surface of the mind and its deep roots are broken. The mantra then becomes part of gossip. And the third reason is that keeping it secret deepens the mantra. The more secret you keep, the deeper it will go; He will have to go deeper.
Regarding Marpa, there is news that when his guru gave him the secret mantra, he took a promise from him that he would keep it a complete secret. He was told not to tell this to anyone. Then Marpa’s guru appeared in his dream and asked what is your mantra? And even in the dream Marpa kept the promise;He refused to tell. And it is said that due to the fear that the Guru might appear again in his dreams or send someone and he might be so sleepy that he might reveal the secret mantra and break the promise, Marpa gave up sleeping altogether. He did not sleep at all.
Marpa had gone seven-eight days without sleeping like this. Then when his teacher asked why don’t you sleep? I see you have given up sleeping. What is the matter? Marpa said to the Guru: You are playing tricks on me. You came in my dream and asked me about my mantra. I’m not even going to tell you. Once I have given a promise, I will follow it even in my dreams. But then I got scared. In my sleep, who knows, some day I may forget!
If you are so careful about your word that you remember it even in your dreams, it means that it is going deep. He is getting down to the core; He is entering the hinterland. And the deeper it touches, the more it becomes the key for you. Because the lock is in the innermost being.
Experiment with anything. If you can keep it secret it will gain depth. And if you can’t keep it secret, it will come out. Why do you want to say something to someone else? Why do you keep talking?
The truth is that whatever you say, you become free from it. Once you tell someone, you are free from it. That thing came out. The entire business of psychoanalysis stands on this. The patient keeps talking and the psychoanalyst keeps listening. This provides relief to the patient. The more he talks about his problems, his sorrows, the more he gets relief from them.
And just the opposite happens when you keep something hidden, a secret. That is why you are told never to tell the mantra to anyone. Then he descends deeper and deeper and someday opens the lock.