Friday, March 28, 2025
Todays Panchang
Total Temples : 5,823
Friday, 28-03-2025 08:59 PM Todays Panchang Total Temples : 5,823


Shakti Peetha
Maha Shakti Peetha
Adi Shakti Peetha
Divya Desam
Dham India
Dham Uttarakhand
Saptapuri / Mokshapuri
Maha Shakti
Adi Shakti
/ Mokshapuri

Why is oath administered on Geeta?


Once Lord Vishnu was lying on Shesh bed in Vaikuntha world with his eyes closed and smiling in his mind.

Goddess Lakshmi was serving his feet. The goddess was curious to see God smiling within herself.

Goddess Lakshmi asked him – Lord, what is the reason behind you taking care of the entire world and yet being indifferent to your opulence, you are sleeping in this milky ocean?

Shri Hari smiled again and spread his charming smile and said – O dear, I am not sleeping, but through my insight I am experiencing the glory of my Goddess, which yogis can see through their vision.

Whenever I visualize the power under which this entire world is in my mind, it seems to you that I am immersed in sleep but it is not so.

God spoke in such a mysterious way that Lakshmiji understood some things and some she did not.

He asked again – O Lord, is there any power besides you which you yourself pay attention to? This thing leaves me in deep astonishment.

Shri Hari said- Devi, to understand this well, you will have to understand the secrets of Geeta.

All the chapters of Geeta are parts of my body which you serve.
Know my five faces in the first five chapters of Geeta.
Consider chapters six to fifteen as my ten arms.
The sixteenth chapter is my stomach where the appetite is satiated.
Consider the last two chapters as my lotus feet.
God explained the chapters of Geeta in such a way that instead of decreasing, Lakshmiji’s confusion started increasing. God sensed what was going on in the mind of the goddess.

Shri Hari again said – Goddess, the person who recites even one chapter or one verse of Geeta every day becomes free from all sins like Susharma.

Now Goddess Lakshmi got even more confused.

Expressing his impatience in a calm manner, he said – O Lord, what is this leela of yours. You are telling riddles one after another. Please satisfy my curiosity.

God started smiling again and started narrating the story of Susharma to Lakshmidevi.

Susharma was a grave sinner. He was always immersed in pleasures. He spent his life on alcohol and non-vegetarian food. One day he died due to snake bite.

He suffered tortures in hell and was born again on earth as a bull.

The bull spent eight years serving his master. He got less food but had to work harder than necessary.
One day the bull fainted and fell in the market. Many people gathered. Some of the people present there started donating their share to improve the future life of the bull.

A prostitute was also standing in that crowd. He was not aware of his virtues, yet he said that the bull should get a share of whatever virtues he had in his life.
The bull died and reached Yamalok. When the calculation of the virtue accumulated in the bull’s share started, a big surprise occurred. Such a surprising thing that if you tell it to any person on earth, they will not believe it.

The most virtuous share of the bull was donated by that prostitute. Due to the charitable donation made by the same prostitute, the bull was freed from hell.
Not only this, he was born and sent in human form to enjoy the fruits of that virtue on earth. His virtues were so great that the Creator even asked him about his wish before leaving the earth. Only a few religious souls among millions get such good fortune.

Before leaving in human form, the bull asked – O God, I am blessed by the favor you are doing me in sending me to earth in human form. Now what else can I ask from you? My birth in the womb must have been a punishment for my past deeds. That’s why I want that in human form I should not indulge in those deeds which will spoil my future. This possibility is highest in human form.
God asked- So tell me how can I love you, tell me one wish of yours.

He asked – Just give me the ability to remember all the things of my previous birth. By remembering them I will be able to stop myself from deviating from my actions. Just do this one more favor.

God accepted his wish and gave him that ability. After coming to earth, he remembered his previous birth, so he decided to repay the favor first.

Coming to earth, he started searching for the prostitute whose virtue had given him salvation. At last he found that prostitute.
He told everything to the prostitute and then asked – Devi! You are blessed. Your deeds are among the lowest of all, yet how you had so much accumulated virtue is a matter of great surprise. I want to know which virtue you donated to me?

The prostitute pointed towards a parrot and said – That parrot reads something every day. My heart became pure after listening to him. I had donated the same virtue to you.

There was no end to Susharma’s surprise. A woman donated a virtuous fruit about which she did not even know and that virtue was so effective that her very life changed.

He bowed respectfully to the parrot and asked the secret of his knowledge. Then the parrot told the story of his previous birth.

The parrot said – In my previous birth, despite being a scholar, I was arrogant and was jealous of all the scholars. He used to insult and harm them.
After death I kept wandering in many worlds. Then I was born as a parrot but due to old sins my parents died in my childhood.

I was lying unconscious somewhere on the way. Then by some divine happenstance some sages passed by there. Seeing me in this condition, he felt pity and the sage brought me along.

They brought me to the ashram and kept me in a cage where students were given education.

I learned the complete knowledge of Geeta there. While listening, I memorized the first chapter of Gita. Before I could learn the other chapters, a fowler stole it from there and sold it to the goddess.

By my nature, I keep reciting the verses of Geeta to them every day. He donated the same virtue to you and you came in human form.

Shri Hari said to Lakshmiji – Goddess, the one who reads or listens to the first chapter of Geeta does not face any difficulty in crossing the ocean of existence.
So in this way, God has considered various chapters of Shrimadbhagvadgita as a part of his body and said that he resides in the Gita.

Touching Geeta means you are touching the parts of Shri Narayana. After touching God and taking the oath, no one will tell any lie, the oath on Geeta is given with this belief.

Specially, Bhagavad Gita is the best scripture that explains Karma and teaches how a man’s life should be in practice. It is not only man’s responsibility to speak untruth, give in to greed and attachment, give inappropriate advice to his near and dear ones and go against the Dharma. Rather, it becomes the reason for the destruction of the entire clan. Geeta teaches all this. Therefore, what could be better than such a book which forces the witness to swear justice / which forces the wise to tell the truth.

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