Temple Bell Rules
Why is the bell not rung while returning from the temple? You will be surprised to know
The tradition of visiting temples in Hindu religion is centuries old. When we visit a temple, we follow many rituals, one of which is ringing the temple bell. Often we ring the bell while coming and going to the temple, But do you know that according to the scriptures the bell is not to be rung while leaving the temple? Let us know about this in detail in this article, and we will also know what is the importance of bell in Hindu religion and what is the correct way to ring it?
Importance of temple bell
In Hindu religion, it is believed that at the time of creation, the first sound of a bell was resounded. It is also said that by ringing the bell, Omkar Mantra is chanted. The sound of the bell has a direct impact on our brain. The good thing is that this has also been confirmed in science. The sound of the bell brings consciousness to the idols of the temple and increases the feeling of devotion. Well now let us know why the bell is not rung while returning from the temple.
Why is the bell not rung while leaving the temple?
According to the Puranas, when we go to the temple, many types of thoughts come to our mind, some of which may also be negative. These negative thoughts are destroyed by ringing the bell while entering the temple. The sound of bells, conch shells and gongs is divine, which removes negative energy and thoughts from our body. The sacred sound of the temple bell removes all the negative energy and thoughts from the body. But when we are coming out of the temple, all the divine energy gets confused and destroyed by ringing the bell. This is why to maintain positive energy the bell should not be rung while leaving the temple.
Why is the bell rung only at the time of entering the temple?
Worship and worship have great importance in Sanatan Dharma. According to the scriptures, ringing the bell while going to the temple removes all the negative energy from our body and also opens the doors of happiness and prosperity for you. There is also a belief that God likes the sound of bells very much, hence he is woken up by ringing the bell. By ringing the bell, devotees seek permission from the Lord to enter the temple, attract the attention of the deities and then offer their greetings to them. The sound of the bell purifies the temple and the surrounding environment, because it destroys all the diseases present in the body and environment. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that the temple bell is not only related to tradition, but also to science and religious beliefs.